Research Interests
In Women against Abortion: Inside the Largest Moral Reform Movement of the Twentieth Century, University of Illinois Press, 2017, Haugeberg traces the forty-year history of the contemporary U.S. anti-abortion movement, from the 1960s into the first decade of the twenty-first century.
Haugeberg has begun a second project on the history of nursing in the United States. This book will examine how the nursing profession engaged social movements for civil rights and gender equality between 1960 and 2000.
Selected Publications
“Dobbs v. Jackson, One Year Later: An Abortion Historian’s View from 2023,” Perspectives on History, June 27, 2023.
“Pregnant People Were Once Citizens, Too,” in Roundtable: On the Threshold of a Post-Roe Era? The Past and Future of Abortion Rights in the United States, ed. Rebecca Jo Plant, Women and Social Movements, Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2022.
“Review Essay: Rethinking the Taxonomies of Civil Rights Work,” Journal of Urban History, 46(3): 654-62.
Women’s America: Refocusing the Past, 9th ed. with Cornelia H. Dayton, New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.
Co-editor w/Cornelia Dayton, Women’s America: Refocusing the Past, 9th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019
“Nursing and Hospital Abortions in the United States, 1967-1973,” Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 73, no. 3 (July 2018).
Women against Abortion: Inside the Largest Moral Reform Movement of the Twentieth Century. University of Illinois Press, 2017.
" 'How Come There's Only Men Up There?' Catholic Women's Grassroots Anti-Abortion Activism," Journal of Women's History 27, no 4 (Winter 2015): 38-61.
Audio and Video (recent)
TRT World (Ankara, Turkey), “Abortion in the United States,” June 24, 2022.
WWL New Orleans, “Before Dobbs: Abortion History in Louisiana,” June 24, 2022.
KPPC, NPR News for Southern California, AirTalk, “Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade, What Does That Mean For The Future Of Abortion Access And How Did We Get Here?” June 24, 2022.
Throughline, “After Roe: A New Battlefield,” June 16, 2022.
Slow Burn (Slate), “Life or Death,” June 8, 2022. (Recipient of Apple’s 2022 Podcast of the Year Award)
NPR’s All Things Considered, “Abortion Was Once Common Practice in America. A Small Group of Doctors Changed That,” June 6, 2022.
Cincinnati Public Radio, “The Future of Abortion and Abortion Laws if Roe Falls,” June 6, 2022.
Throughline, “Before Roe: The Physicians’ Crusade,” May 19, 2022.
The Ringer (The Atlantic), “The 300 Year History of Abortion in America,” May 6, 2022.
Newspapers and Magazines (recent)
Mary Retta, “Peer to Peer: News You Can Use, Via Google Doc,” Columbia Journalism Review, December 6, 2022.
Madison Stacey, “‘It Was Hidden, You Had to Hunt’ How Covert Networks Helped Women Access Abortions before Roe v. Wade,” WTHR, (Indianapolis), August 22, 2022.
Randy Dotinga, “San Diego’s Abortion History: From Pre-‘Pro-Life’ Reagan to a Clinic Bombing Plot,” Voice of San Diego, July 21, 2022.
Fahima Haque, “America Before and After Roe,” The New York Times, June 27, 2022.
Helena Gustavsson, “Forskare: Abort har en lång tradition i USA,” ETC (Sweden), June 14, 2022.
Andrea González-Ramírez, “16 Books on the Past, Present, and Future of Abortion,” The Cut (New York), June 6, 2022.
Caroline Vinet, “Le droit à l'avortement aux États-Unis, une histoire mouvementée,” La Vie (France), May 10, 2022.
Grace Hauck and Chris Kenning, “Anti-Abortion Groups Could Win a 50-year Fight to End Roe. They Aren't Stopping There,” USA Today, May 7, 2022.
Katie Bernard, “She Had an Abortion Before Roe v. Wade,” Kansas City Star, January 10, 2022.
Fellowships & Awards
- National Endowments for the Humanities Summer Seminar Fellow: Philosophical Perspectives on Care, 2022
- Newcomb Institute Faculty Research Scholar Award, Tulane University 2022
- Young Mellon Fellow, School of Liberal Arts, Tulane University 2018-2020
- Honorable Mention, Frances Richardson Keller-Sierra Book Prize for Women against Abortion, Western Association of Women Historians, 2018.
- Awards to Louisiana Artists and Scholars (ATLAS) Fellowship, 2017-2018.
- Committee on Research (COR) Faculty Research Grant, 2017-18.
- Co-recipient, Judith Lee Ridge Article Prize, Western Association of Women Historians, 2016.
- Mortar Board Award, Excellence in Teaching for an untenured member of the faculty, Tulane University, 2014.
Teaching Interests
U.S. women and gender; history of medicine; American social history; history of sexuality in the U.S.; history of reproductive health in the U.S.