Ruben Luciano, History, Tulane University

Ruben Luciano


I'm Ruben Luciano Jr. I am a second-year PhD student in history here at Tulane. My research interests focus on the Trujillato in the Dominican Republic, a queer analysis of masculinities/hypermasculinities and femininities from 1930-1961 (a period that coincided  with the era of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo), how the archive in Santo Domingo and elsewhere in the Dominican Republic (and even outside of the country) has shaped marginalized peoples and how a reading against the archival grain can provide insights into subaltern (and even) elite lives. Prior to coming to Tulane, I earned a master's degree in health communication from Northwestern University (2016-17). Prior to this, I earned a master's degree in the social sciences from the University of Chicago (2015-16). My B.A. is in Liberal Studies with a minor concentration in English. My undergraduate institution was Azusa Pacific University. I enjoy cycling, reading fiction, writing fiction (i.e. novels and poems), reading about the history of fashion in pop culture, and music.