Lectures and Videos

Past Events

  • Tulane University Judeo-Christian Studies Chair
    Martin M. Kelly Memorial Lecture

    Ariel Helfer
    “The Philosopher as Political Advisor: Rediscovering Plato’s Letters”
    January 31, 2025, 1:45-3:45 pm, Rogers Chapel Seminar Room

    The Consummation The Course of the Empire 1836, By Thomas Cole

    The Consummation The Course of the Empire 1836 by Thomas Cole

    Ariel Helfer is Associate Professor of Political Science at Wayne State University. He joined that department in 2017, having previously taught at Michigan State after receiving his PhD in Government from the University of Texas at Austin in 2015. His courses cover a broad range of texts and thinkers, from ancient to modern political philosophy, as well as American political thought. Helfer’s first book, Socrates and Alcibiades: Plato’s Drama of Political Ambition and Philosophy (University of Pennsylvania, 2017) traces the development of this relation and its significance portrayed in three Platonic dialogues. His recent book, Plato’s Letters: the Political Challenges of Philosophic Life (Cornell, 2023), includes an interpretative essay along with a new English translation of the letters. The authenticity of this material, which describes Plato’s involvement in the tyrannical regime at Syracuse in the 4th century BCE, has long been debated. Helfer’s study has attracted attention for its well-argued but controversial reading of the Letters as a unified work, a philosophic epistolary novel containing Plato's teachings on the philosopher's responsibility to turn his political wisdom into practical counsel.

    For further information, contact Ronna Burger, rburger@tulane.edu

  • Tulane University Judeo-Christian Studies Chair
    Hugh McCloskey Evans Memorial Lecture

    Teresa Bejan
    “Hobbes on Acknowledging Equality”
    September 13, 4:00 pm LBC, Race Room

    Detail from Engraved Frontispiece of Le corps politiques, T. Hobbes, (Rouen, 1652)

    Teresa Bejan is Professor of Political Theory in Oriel College, University of Oxford, where she has taught since 2015. Prior to that she held positions at Columbia, Toronto, and McGill. Prof. Bejan earned her BA at University of Chicago and M.Phil. in Political Thought and Intellectual History at University of Cambridge, and PhD at Yale. Her dissertation, “Mere Civility: Toleration and Its Limits in Early Modern England and America,” was selected for the 2015 APSA Leo Strauss Award in Political Philosophy and her book based on that study (Harvard Univ. Press) was named “New Statesman and Church Times Best Book of 2018.” Her new book, First Among Equals: A History of Equality in Theory and Practice, is under contract with Harvard and she has two book projects on John Locke under contract with Oxford and Penguin UK.

  • Tulane University Judeo-Christian Studies Chair 
    Nina and John F. Bricker Memorial Lecture

    Zena Hitz 
    “God and the Search for Happiness” 
    January 18, 2024, 7 pm Rogers Memorial Chapel

    Annunciation, Leonardo da Vinci 1472–1476 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annunciation_(Leonardo)

    Zena Hitz is a Tutor in the Great Books program at St. John’s College in Annapolis, where she was originally an undergraduate student. The distinctive path she pursued before that return took her from studies at the University of Chicago, a Master of Philosophy at Cambridge, and a PhD from Princeton, to teaching at McGill, Auburn University, and University of Maryland, followed by a break from academia with three years at a Catholic religious community in Ontario. The central concerns that drive Zena Hitz are reflected in her recent founding of the Catherine Project, an online program of tutorials and reading groups on the great books. Her writing in the field of classical philosophy takes up questions of law, character, friendship and the human good, including two books, The Philosopher Looks at the Religious Life and Lost in Thought: The Hidden Pleasures of an Intellectual Life. Her many essays and podcasts reach a wide and receptive audience with discussions of education and as she summarizes it “happiness, faith, hope, and love.”

    The lecture, in the Myra Clare Rogers Memorial Chapel, 1229 Broadway, is open to the University community and public at no charge. For further information call 504-866-8793 or e-mail j-chsec@tulane.edu or rburger@tulane.edu.

    Watch Zena Hitz. “God and the Search for Happiness,” January 18, 2024

  • Mary Anna and Rabbi Julian B. Feibelman Memorial Lecture

    Yehuda Halper 
    “Averroes’ Epistle Dedicatory” 
    November 6, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm, Rogers Chapel Seminar Room

    Maimonides teaching. www.harpers.org, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

  • Yehuda Halper

    Medieval Jewish Philosophy 
    Monday. November 6th, 1 -2 pm, Rogers Chapel 
    Wednesday, November 8th, 6 pm, B09 in the library

    Yehuda Halper is Associate Professor in the Dept. of Jewish Philosophy at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. We were pleased to have him as a Tulane colleague (2010-2015), first as a Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellow in Liberal Arts, then Professor of Practice in Jewish Studies. Among many other articles and edited books, Prof. Halper is the author of Socratic Questions in an Age without Plato: Permitting and Forbidding Open Inquiry in 12-15th Century Europe and North Africa, awarded the Goldstein-Goren 2019-21 Book Award for Best Book in Jewish Thought.

  • Catherine & Henry J. Gaisman Conference

    Jerusalem and Athens: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Reflections June 3, 2023

    Jerusalem and Athens

    Session I: The Gods of the Poets and the God of the Philosopher in Ancient Thought 
    Text: Hesiod’s Theogony; Aristotle Metaphysics I.4 (eros and mind), XII.7 (unmoved mover)

    Session II: The Medieval Confrontation with Bible and Philosophy 
    Text: Maimonides, “Letter on Astrology”; cf. Guide of the Perplexed III.17 (divine providence)

    Session III: Revelation and Reason in Modern Philosophy 
    Text: Leo Strauss, “Reason and Revelation”

  • Hugh McCloskey Evans Memorial Lecture

    March 29, 2023, 7:00 pm, Rogers Memorial Chapel

    California Poet Laureate Dana Gioia

    Dana Gioia, former California Poet Laureate and Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, received a BA and MBA from Stanford and an MA in Comparative Literature from Harvard. He is the author of five collections of verse, including 99 Poems: New & Selected, winner of the Poets’ Prize for best new book of the year. Along with editing numerous literary anthologies, he has published four books of critical essays and written several opera libretti. His essays have appeared in The New Yorker, Atlantic, Washington Post, New York Times, Hudson Review, and on BBC radio. Among other honors, Gioia was awarded Notre Dame’s Laetare Medal, the Presidential Citizen’s Medal, the Aiken Taylor Award in Modern Poetry, as well as ten honorary doctorates.

  • Martin Sitte, “Man and Soul: Plato’s Alcibiades,” April 10, 2023
  • Alexander Orwin, “The Heterodox Teachings of the Falasifa,” January 28, 2023
  • James Stoner, “How Eric Voegelin Read Plato,” November 19, 2022
  • Daniel Schneider, “The Emendation and the Instrauration: Bacon and Spinoza,” October 23, 2022
  • Watch Jacob Howland, “Shields of the Gods: Reflections on Homer and the Bible,” October 13, 2022
  • Watch Rabbi Dr. Raphael Zarum, “Why did God Tell Abraham to sacrifice his son? The surprising truth of the Akeidah,” September 20, 2022
  • Neil Rogachevsky, “Israel’s Declaration of Independence,” April 5, 2022
  • Watch Paul Cantor, “Shakespeare’s Henry V and Biblical Kingship,” November 4, 2021
  • Watch Wilfred M. McClay, "The Hebraic Strain in American Thought," October 24, 2019
  • Watch Diana Schaub, "Lincoln on Science, Slavery & Sin," March 28, 2019
  • Alexander Orwin, “Updating Plato: How Averroes Inserts Alfarabi, Just War, and Andalusian Cities into the Republic,” December 8, 2018
  • Watch Jonathan Silver, "What Can the Hebrew Bible Teach America?" November 15, 2018
  • Stuart Warner, “The Theologico-Political Problem in Descartes’ Discourse on Method,” April 7, 2018
  • Khalil Habib, "Ibn Khaldun and the Rise and Fall of Empire," February 19, 2018
  • Watch Jon Levenson, “The Binding of the Son in the Three ‘Abrahamic Traditions’: the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Debate,” March 14, 2017
  • Watch George Weigel “Modernity, Biblical Faith, and the Crisis of the West,” October 19, 2016
  • James Stoner, "Leo Strauss and Eric Voegelin on Humanism and the Human Human Sciences," September 9, 2016
  • Watch Christine Hayes, “What’s So Divine About Divine Law?” December 3, 2015
  • Watch Roslyn Weiss, “The Transcendent God of Goodness,” October 22, 2015
  • Watch Joshua Parens, Douglas Kries, and Joseph MacFarland, "Prophet, King and Philosopher in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Thought,” April 15, 2015
  • Steven Berg, "Dante's Inferno: Biblical Tradition and Greek Philosophy," March 3, 2015
  • Stephen Palmquist, "Kant on Obedience and Resistance to Authority," November 14, 2014
  • Watch Jacob Howland, “Kierkegaard on Theodicy, Law, and Love,” October 22, 2014
  • Watch Clifford Orwin, “Will Not the Judge of All the World Act Justly: Abraham’s Plea to God on Behalf of Sodom,” April 24, 2014
  • Watch James Carey, “Spinoza’s Response to Christian Scholasticism,” March 20, 2014
  • Watch Ronna Burger, “In the Court of an Oriental Despot: The Book of Esther,” March 12, 2014
  • Watch Wilfred McClay, “The Persistence of Guilt in a Post-Religious Age,” October 24, 2013
  • Watch Thomas Hibbs, “Divine Irony: Pascal on Faith and Reason,” April 4, 2013
  • Watch Leora Batnitsky, “Private Faith, Public Religion: Tensions in Modern Jewish Thought,” October 16, 2012
  • Watch Calum Carmichael, “Judging Joseph in Light of Biblical Law,” March 22, 2012
  • Watch Luke Timothy Johnson, “Early Christians and Gentile Religion: A New Approach,” October 27, 2011
  • Rosemary Radford Ruether, "Christology and Anti-Semitism," April 14, 2011
  • March 24, 2011 – Douglas Brinkley, "The Great American Outdoors from Theodore Roosevelt to Barack Obama: An Environmental History”
  • October 21, 2010 – Dr. Gary Macy, John Nobili, S.J. Professor of Theology, Santa Clara University 
    “Can They Do That? The Historical Justification of Women’s Ordinations”
  • March 18, 2010 - Rev. Dr. Paul J. Philibert, O.P. 
    "Balancing Authority and Autonomy: Issues for a New Generation of Believers”
  • February 18, 2010 - Rev. Dr. Anthony J. Pogorelc, S.S. 
    "Spiritual Hungers of Young Adults; How Hungry Are They?"
  • November 5, 2009 - Professor/Rabbi David Dalin, Ave Maria University, Naples, Florida

    "The Myth of Hitler's Pope - A Jewish Response to the Integrity of Pope Pius XII's Dealings with the Nazis"

  • October 8, 2009 - Professor Robert Schreiter, Catholic Theological Union - Chicago

    "The Philosophical and Theologian Relevance of Professor Edward Schillebeeckx, O.P., for the 21st Century"

  • March 26, 2009 - Rev. Dr. C.K. Robertson, Canon to the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States

    "Leadership in a Time of Conflict: What does the Future Hold for the Episcopal Church in the U.S.?"

  • January 22, 2009 - Mr. Hank Dittmar, Director for the Prince of Wales Foundation

    "Sustainability, Tradition and Harmony: Building Beautifully and for the Long Term"

  • December 4, 2008 - Professor John F. Haught, Georgetown University

    "Evolution and Faith - A Proposal for the Future - The 200th Anniversary of Darwin's Birth"

  • November 13, 2008 - Very Rev. Dr. Lee Martin Martiny, OP, Kenya, Africa

    "The Future of the Church in Africa - Tribalism and Racism - The Challenge to Church Unity"

  • September 10, 2008 - The Bestowal of the 2nd St. Thomas Aquinas Environmental Award-HRH the Prince of Wales at Clarence House in London
  • March 13, 2008 - Professor Roger Haight, SJ, Union Theological Seminary, NYC

    "Rethinking the Church and the Churches"

  • February 28, 2008 - Dr. Julian Wheatley, New Orleans, Consultant for the Government of Singapore

    "The Lady and the General" - Questions of Religious Freedom and Democracy in Myanmar (Burma)

  • November 8, 2007 - Asher Yarden, Consul General of Israel to the Southwest, Houston

    "On the Road to Reconciling the Israeli-Palestinian Conflicts in the Light of Recent Historical Developments"

  • October 11, 2007 - Professor Marcel Sigrist, OP, Ecole Biblique, Jerusalem

    "Why a New Translation of the Bible? - 'The Bible in Its Traditions Project'"

  • March 29, 2007 - Most Rev. Donald W. Wuerl, STD, Archbishop of Washington, DC

    "The Enduring Challenge of Faith - What the Church Brings to Today's Youth"

  • January 25, 2007 - Sir John Houghton, Oxford University (The first honoree for the St. Thomas Aquinas Environmental Award given by the Chair of Judeo-Christian Studies)

    "Climatic Changes: Challenges to Scientists, Politicians, and Religionists Alike"

  • November 16, 2006 - Robert Blare Kaiser, Newsweek Rome Editor and Vatican II Correspondent for Time Magazine

    "A Case for an American Catholic Church"

  • November 9, 2006 - Professor Richard Ryscavage, SJ, PhD, Fairfield University

    "Immigration and Globalization: The New Face of Christianity"

  • March 16, 2006 - Professor Dennis Doyle, University of Dayton, Ohio

    "Pope Benedict XVI, What Impact Might his Augustinian Philosophy Have?"

  • March 2, 2006 - Professor Emeritus John Dominic Crossan, DePaul University, Chicago

    "What does St. Paul have to say to the Church Today?"

  • April 7, 2005 - Dr. Martin E. Marty, University of Chicago

    "Fundamentalisms and World Religions - What They Have in Common and How They All Demonize 'the Other'"

  • March 3, 2005 - Dr. Antje Jakelen, Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago

    "Challenges of Science and Religion in the New Millennium"

  • October 28, 2004 - Professor Wesley J. Wildman, Boston University

    "A Review and Critique of the 'Divine Action Project' - A dialogue among Scientists and Theologians," sponsored by Pope John Paul II

  • October 7, 2004 - HE Dr. Christoph Cardinal Schonborn, OP, Archbishop of Vienna

    "Judaism and Christianity: New Perspectives in the New Millennium"

  • March 25, 2004 - Professor William B. Hurlbut, MD, Stanford University

    "Patenting Human Life: Clones, Chimera, and Biological Artifacts"

  • March 18, 2004 - Rev. Dr. Marcel Sigrist, OP., Ecole Biblique, Jerusalem Israel

    "In Today's Secularized World, Is it Possible to Believe in God?"

  • November 6, 2003 - Mr. George Weigel, Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington DC

    "Moral Leadership and World Politics in the 21st Century"

  • October 23, 2003 - Rev. Dr. Robert E. Barron, St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, Mundelein, Illinois

    "Contemporary Moral and Spiritual Formation through the Eucharistic Liturgy"

  • September 11, 2003 - William Cardinal Keeler, Archbishop of Baltimore

    "The New Movement in Christian-Jewish Relations"

  • March 27, 2003 - Rabbi Jack Bemporad, Center for Inter-Religious Understanding, Secaucus, New Jersey

    "A Jewish Perspective on the Recent Pontifical Biblical Document, 'On the Jewish People and Their Scriptures in the New Testament'"

  • March 13, 2003 - Most Reserved Joseph A. Galante, Coadjutor Roman Catholic Bishop of Dallas

    "Renewing the Hope and the Trust of the Faithful in the Institutional Church"

  • October 24, 2002 - Kirk O. Hanson, Santa Clara University, California

    "Corporate Ethics and Responsibility - Enron and Beyond: Ethical Lessons for American Society"

  • October 10, 2002 - Richard R. Gaillardetz, University of Toledo, Ohio

    "What We Can Now See: Ecclesial Reflections on the Current Crisis in the American Catholic Church"

  • April 11, 2002 - Dr. Frank T. Birtel, Tulane University

    "Evolving Thoughts on Taking Science and Religion Seriously"

  • March 7, 2002 - Dr. Herbert Benson, Harvard Medical School

    "Timeless Healing: The Power and Biology of Belief"

  • February 7, 2002 - Dr. Mahmound M. Ayoub, Temple University

    "Religion and Violence: The Case of Islam"

  • November, 8, 2001 - Professor Philip Hefner, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago

    "Technology, Theology and New Images of Being Human"

  • October 22, 2001 - Mark Guscin, Spanish Center of Sindonology, Madrid

    "Reputed Burial Cloths of Jesus Christ - How to Determine their Authenticity or Fraud?"

  • October 4, 2001 - Phyllis Zagano, Co-Chair, Roman Catholic Group of the American Academy of Religion

    "Women Deacons? Past, Present and Future - An Exploration of the Tradition and History of Diaconal Ordination"

  • May 24, 2001 - HE Dr. Christoph Cardinal Schonborn, OP, Archbishop of Vienna

    "Judaism and Christianity: New Perspectives After the Holy Year"

  • April 5, 2001 - Professor Philip D. Clayton, California State University, Sonoma

    "Reading the Past, Projecting the Future - Science and Theology on the Emergence of Spirit"

  • March 12, 2001 - Professor Dr. Wolfhart Pannenberg, Munich, Germany

    "God the Spirit and Natural Science"

  • October 26, 2000 - Rabbi Joseph Ehrenkrantz, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT

    "Strengthening Jewish-Christian Relations - A Jewish Perspective on the Recent Papal Visit to Israel"

  • October 12, 2000 - Most Rev. John R. Quinn, DD, Archbishop Emeritus of San Francisco

    "Possibilities of a New Papal Primacy"

  • April 13, 2000 - Dr. Anthony M. Matteo, Elizabethtown College, Pennsylvania

    "The Promise and Perils of Evolutionary Ethics"

  • March 27, 2000 - Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, OP, Master of the Order of Preachers, Rome

    "Where Are We Going? Christian Faith in the Face of an Unknown Future"

  • March 16, 2000 - Rev. Dr. Peter Storey, Duke University

    "Resistance and Reconciliation - The Church's Ecumenical Role in Ending Apartheid"

  • November 11, 1999 - Professor Brennan R. Hill, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio

    "Images of God from the Earth and its People: An Environmental Theology"

  • November 3, 1999 - Professor Steven T. Katz, Boston University

    "Jewish Images of God in the Post-Holocaust Era"

  • October 7, 1999 - Professor Benedict M. Ashley, OP, STM, Aquinas Institute of Theology, St. Louis

    "Gender Images and the Mystery of God"

  • April 12, 1999 - Archbishop Francis Cardinal George, OMI, Chicago, Illinois

    "Images of God in the Writings of Pope John Paul II; A Spirituality for the New Millennium"

  • March 25, 1999 - Fr. Andrew Greeley, Sociologist and author

    "Images of God and Religious Imagination"

  • February 25, 1999 - Professor Gary Macy, University of San Diego

    "The Church in the Middle Ages"

  • November 12, 1998 - Dr. Patrick Henry, Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research, Collegeville, Minnesota

    "Images of God in Space and Time"

  • October 29, 1998 - Professor Gordon D. Kaufman, Harvard University

    "Re-Imaging God in Light of Today's Evolutionary/Ecological Consciousness"

  • April 16, 1998 - Professor Daniel Holcomb, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

    "Images of God and Contemporary Literature - Impact and Significance"

  • March 5, 1998 - Professor Vernon Gregson, Jr., Loyola University

    "Images of God and the Unconscious - Origins and Transformations"

  • November 13, 1997 - Professor Sondra Ely Wheeler, Wesleyan Theological Seminary

    "The Impact of Cloning on Family Values - Making Sexual Reproduction Obsolete?"

  • October 23, 1997 - Rev. Dr. Albert Moraczewski, OP, Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral Research and Education Center

    "What are the Ethical and Religious Implications of Human Cloning? - A Judeo-Christian Perspective"

  • October 16, 1997 - Dr. Robert J. Collier, Monsanto Company, St. Louis, Missouri

    "Science and Technology in Cloning, from Sheep to Humans - What are the Real Possibilities of Human Cloning?"

  • A Judeo-Christian Dialogue in Three Parts 
    March 13, 1997 - "Jesus as Messiah: Christian Yes; Jewish No - Messianic Expectations Today" 
    March 6, 1997 - "Transcending the Divisive - Removing Obstacles to Ecumenical Dialogue" 
    February 27, 1997 – "Post-Modern Concepts of God - The Problem of Worshipping the One God Today" 
    Participants: Rabbi Edward P. Cohn, Temple Sinai 
    Rev. Dr. Val A. Mclnnes, OP, Tulane University 
    Ms. Jean A. Meade, St. Andrew's Episcopal School 
    Rev. Steven Meriwether, St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church 
    Moderator: Professor Frank T. Birtel, Tulane University
  • November 25, 1996 - Rev. Raymond E. Brown, SS, Union Theological Seminary 
    "New Testament Treatment of the Jews"
  • October 31, 1996 - Rev. Dr. Philip Kennedy, OP, Oxford University

    "The God Question in Our Post-Modern Age"

  • March 14, 1996 - Professor J. Wentzel van Huyssteen, Princeton Theological Seminary

    "Truth and Pluralism in Religion and Science Today - The Post-Modern Challenge"

  • March 7, 1996 - Professor David Novak, University of Virginia; Rev. Dr. Richard John Neuhaus, New York City

    "Messianic Expectations - A Jewish and Christian Point of View"

  • November 16, 1995 - Professor Marcus Borg, Oregon State University

    "The Work of the Jesus Seminar: What is Its Purpose and Does it Matter?"

  • October 12, 1995 - Professor Don Drowning, University of Chicago

    "Religion, Politics and the American Family Debate"

  • April 6, 1995 - George Weigel, Washington, DC; Peter Ochs, Drew University, Madison, New Jersey

    "Religion and Moral Decline in Contemporary American Society - Disintegration or Rejuvenation?"

  • March 9, 1995 - Michael Novak, The American Enterprise Institute. Washington DC; Professor Gilbert Meilaender, Oberlin College

    "Veritatis Splendor - Roman Catholic and Lutheran Perspectives in Dialogue"

  • November 17, 1994 - Professor David D. Friedman, University of Chicago Professor Alma H. Young, University of New Orleans

    "Government and the Poor - Who Should be Providing Care for the Poor?"

  • November 16, 1994 - Fr. Fred Kammer, SJ, JD, Catholic Charities, Alexandria, Virginia; Professor William Barnett, Loyola University

    "The Doctrine of Church and State - Should Religion be Involved in Politics?"

  • March 10, 1994 - Professor Jaroslav Pelikan, Yale University

    "Russian Roots in the American Spirit"

  • March 8, 1994 - Professor Elaine Pagels, Princeton University

    "Satan and the New Testament, A Social History of Satan"

  • February 24, 1994 - Mr. Avi Granot, Israeli Embassy, Washington, DC Fr. David-Maria A. Jaeger, OMI, JCD, Austin, Texas

    "A Major Diplomatic Accomplishment - The Fundamental Agreement Between the Holy See and the State of Israel - A Catholic Perspective/An Israeli Perspective"

  • November 18, 1993 - Rt. Rev. John S. Spong, DD, Episcopal Bishop, Diocese of Newark, NJ

    "The Gospels as Examples of Jewish Midrash"

  • November 11, 1993 - Professor Benedict M. Ashley, OP, St. Louis University

    "A Theology of Intellectual Life"

  • October 27, 1993 - Jean C. Felts, John J. Kelly, Alden J. Laborde and Edward A. Lupberger

    "Is Business Ethical? Case Discussions on Ethical Decisions in Business Practice"

  • October 14, 1993 - Professor Mary Jo Weaver, Indiana University

    "Feminists and Patriarchs in the Catholic Church: Dysfunctional Discourse or a Common Language?"

  • April 4, 1993 - Rev. Dr. Charles O'Neill, SJ, Rome

    "The Tulane-Archdiocese of New Orleans Bicentennial Lecture - The Church in the United States - 200 Years of Growth - Baltimore and New Orleans"

  • March 22, 1993 - Rev. Dr. Brian Davis, OP, Oxford University

    "God and Some American Philosophers"

  • March 18, 1993 - Professor Rabbi David R. Blumenthal, Emory University

    "The Holocaust as Paradigm of the 20th Century"

  • March 4, 1993 - Rev. Dr. Avery Dulles, SJ, Fordham University

    "Interrelation of Faith and Culture"

  • November 16, 1992 - Helen Rand Parish, University of California, Berkeley

    "Las Casas- The Untold Story"

  • November 9, 1992 - Gustavo Gutiérrez, Lima, Peru

    "Bartolomé de Las Casas - the Theology of Las Casas, Father of Human Rights and International Law"

  • October 12, 1992 - Professor Richard F. Greenleaf, Tulane University

    "Columbus and the Age of Discovery"

  • April 9, 1992 - Professor John J. Carey, Agnes Scott College, Atlanta

    "Sexuality Issues in the American Church"

  • March 26, 1992 - Professor Claude Geffre, OP, Institute Catholique, Paris

    "New Trends of French Theology Today"

  • March 19, 1992 - Professor William F. May, Southern Methodist University

    "The Split between Private and Public Life - Religion as Culprit and Solution"

  • November 7, 1991 - Professor Richard P. McBrien, University of Notre Dame

    "The Future of Catholicism in the Unites States"

  • October 24, 1991 - Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum

    "Pope John Paul II and the Jewish People"

  • September 11, 1991 - Professor Martin Marty, University of Chicago

    "Power Shift: Changes In and Around American Protestantism"

  • March 21, 1991 - Jewish-Christian Prayer Service, Archbishop Francis B. Schulte, DD
  • March 20, 1991 - Rabbi Dr. Asher Finkel, Seton Hall University; Rev. Dr. Lawrence Frizzell

    "Expectations for the Judeo-Christian Dialogue - The Year 2000"

  • March 19, 1991 - Rev. Dr. Lawrence Frizzell, Seton Hall University; Rabbi Dr. Asher Finkel

    "Twenty-five Years of Progress - An Evaluation"

  • December 6, 1990 - Professor Anthony Flew, University of Reading, England

    "Forty Years of Falsification"

  • November 15, 1990 - Professor Robert Wilken, University of Virginia

    "The Christian Intellectual Tradition"

  • October 23, 1990 - Anne Muggeridge, Canadian author

    "The Apocalyptic Days of the Church"

  • March 26, 1990 - Professor Harvey Cox, Harvard University

    "This I Believe: The Lord and Giver of Life"

  • March 19, 1990 - Professor Thomas F. O'Meara, OP, Notre Dame University

    "This I Believe: In Two Different Views of Christianity - Fundamentalism and Catholicism"

  • March 5, 1990 - Rosemary Haughton, "Wellspring House," St. Catherines, Canada

    "This I Believe: In the Catholic Tradition"

  • November 27, 1989 - The Hon. Barbara Boggs Sigmund, Mayor, Princeton, New Jersey and Professor Paul E. Sigmund, Princeton, New Jersey

    "This I Believe: Politics and Religion, Theory and Practice"

  • November 7, 1989 - Dr. Arthur Peacocke, Oxford University

    "This I Believe: From DNA to DEAN"

  • October 23, 1989 - Chaim Potok, American author

    "This I Believe: Choices in the Modern World"

  • March 9, 1989 - Professor Phillip Hefner, University of Chicago

    "This I Believe - Crossing New Terrain"

  • March 2, 1989 - Professor Michael Zimmerman, Tulane University

    "This I Believe - The Redemption of the Body"

  • February 16, 1989 - Professor Frank T. Birtel, Tulane University

    "This I Believe - Choosing God and Choosing Man: A Post-Modern Challenge"

  • November 14, 1988 - Professor Wolfhart Pannenberg, Munich, Germany
  • October 20, 1988 - Emilie Dietrich Griffin, American author
  • September 29, 1988 - Robert Russell, Center for Theology & Natural Sciences, Berkeley
  • April 26, l988 - Rt. Rev. David Jenkins, Bishop of Durham, England

    "The Reality of God and the Future of the Human Project"

  • April 13, 1988 - Professor Dr. Jurgen Moltmann, University of Tubingen, Germany

    "Christology in the Christian-Jewish Dialogue"

  • March 20, 1988 - Professor Rabbi Jakob J. Petuchowski

    "A Rabbi Looks at the Lord's Prayer"

  • March 23, 1987 - Professor Henry Chadwick, Oxford University

    "The Early Christian Church and Authority"

  • October 16, 1986 - Professor Sean Freyne, University of Dublin

    "The Age of Constantine and Beyond: Jesus in a Christian World"

  • September 11, 1986 - Professor Sean Freyne, University of Dublin

    "First Century Christians in a Jewish World"

  • April 16, 1986 - Professor Robert Wilken, University of Virginia

    "The Love of God and the Pursuit of Virtue: Early Christian Ethics"

  • March 3, 1986 - Professor Arthur Peacocke, Oxford University

    "A Christian Materialism? Some Reflections on the Relation to Cognitive Sciences"

  • January 22, 1986 - Ambassador Vernon Walters, U.S. Rep. to the United Nations

    "The United States and Central America Today"

  • March 14, 1985 - Ambassador Vernon Walters, U.S. Dept. of State

    "Religion in Politics Today"

  • February 4, 1985 - Professor Bernard McGinn, University of Chicago

    "The Language of Love in Christian and Jewish Mysticism"

  • January 25, 1985 - The Rt. Honorable Norman St. John Stevas, MP, London

    "The Law and Religious Conflicts Today"

  • October 13, 1984 - Professor Frederick Hartt, University of Virginia; Professor Alfred Moir, University of California; 
    Professor Jonathan Brown, New York University; Professor Robert Rosenblum, New York University; Very Rev. Dr. Val A. McInnes, O.P.

    A Symposium on the Painted Word in conjunction with the Vatican Pavilion and the New Orleans Museum of Art

    October 12, 1984 - Professor Cecilia Weyer-Davis, Newcomb College

  • April 7, 1983 - Professor John T. Noonan, Jr., University of California

    "Religion and Public Policy"

  • March 17, 1983 - Professor Daniel Callahan, Director, The Hastings Center

    "Science and Human Values: The Uneasy Connection"

  • February 28, 1983 - Professor Robert Soloman, University of Texas

    "The Nietzschean Challenge to the Judeo-Christian Tradition"

  • February 22, 1983 - Professor Ernan McMullin, University of Notre Dame

    "The Inter-Relationship between Creationism and Evolution Today"

  • October 26, 1982 - Professor David Daube, University of California School of Law

    "The Old Testament in the New: A Jewish Perspective"

  • October 19, 1982 - Professor fr. Edward Schillebeeckx, OP, University of Nijmegen, Holland (canceled due to illness)

    "The Judeo-Christian Interpretation: An Hermeneutical Approach"

  • October 18, 1982 - Professor fr. Edward Schillebeeckx, OP, University of Nijmegen, Holland (canceled due to illness)

    "The Judeo-Christian Interpretation: An Historical and Critical Approach"

  • September 21, 1982 - Professor Geza Vermes, Oxford University

    "Jesus and Christianity"

  • September 14, 1982 - Professor Geza Vermes, Oxford University

    "The Gospel of Jesus the Jew: An Historical Approach"

  • March 23, 1982 - Professor Harald Riesenfeld, University of Uppsala, Sweden

    "The Hermeneutic Circle - Uses and Abuses in Translating the Bible"

  • March 4, 1982 - Professor Harald Riesenfeld, University of Uppsala, Sweden

    "Sons of God and Ecclesia: An Intertestamental Analysis"

  • November 18, l98l - Professor Roger Le Deaut, CSP, Biblical Institute, Rome

    "The Greek Bible: Hidden Treasure for Jews and Christians"

  • October 21, l98l - Professor Roger Le Deaut, CSP, Biblical Institute, Rome

    "Jewish Tradition and New Testament Interpretation"

  • April 23, 1981 - Professor Langdon Gilkey, University of Chicago

    "Science, Technology and Religion"

  • April 1, 1981 - Professor Raymond Brown, Union Theological College

    "The Struggle between Christianity and Judaism"

  • March 5, l98l - Professor Ernan McMullin, Notre Dame University

    "Interactions of Natural Sciences and Religion Today"

  • January 26, l98l - Professor Jakob J. Petuchowski, Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati

    "Towards a Jewish Theology of Christianity"

  • November 12, 1980 - Professor Edward P. Sanders, McMaster University, Canada 
    "Jesus and Judaism"
  • October 29, 1980 - Professor Edward P. Sanders, McMaster University, Canada 
    "Paul and Judaism"
  • September 25, 1980 - John MacQuarrie, University of Oxford 
    "Heidegger's Philosophy of Religion"
  • September 4, 1980 - John MacQuarrie, University of Oxford 
    "The Idea of a People of God"
  • Inaugural Lecture, April 14, 1980 - William David Davies, Duke University Divinity School

    "Jewish Territorial Doctrine and A Christian Response"