Mikey grew up in the southwest suburbs of Chicago and graduated from the Rochester Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, and he earned a Master of Arts degree in Cultural Studies from Gallaudet University. In addition, he earned an online certificate specializing in “Teaching with Art: Using Inquiry, Activities, and Themes” from the Museum of Modern Art, New York City, and completed an intensive program studying Lingua dei Segni Italiana (Italian Sign Language) and Deaf Culture/history focusing on Italian Deaf communities under the Siena School of Liberal Arts in Tuscany region, Italy. He has worked at the National Technical Institute of the Deaf (NTID), the Rochester School for the Deaf, the University of Rochester, the University of New Mexico, and the New Mexico School for the Deaf’s AmeriCorps program. Mikey’s recent academic positions were at Yale University and Purdue University, where he also taught American Sign Language (ASL) and basic, unique features of different sign languages (with mostly European and Asian origins) from within a multicultural perspective.
Mikey’s extensive teaching experience is complimented by his research interests, including Queer theory in sign language literature, critical pedagogy, and ASL curriculum development.
On a personal level, Mikey enjoys doing Bikram and Kundalini yoga (and starts doing new exercises such as calisthenics and Pilates – he loves the HOTWORX locations where New Orleans does offer!), exploring art museums, and reading spiritual/thought-provoking novels.