Emma Kainz is a PhD candidate in the Interdisciplinary Linguistics program at Tulane. She received her undergraduate degree from North Carolina State University with concentrations in Spanish Language and Literature and Political Science in 2016. Prior to joining the program, she served as a Peace Corps Literacy Volunteer stationed in Guyana. Her research explores language variation, educational linguistics, and Creole languages of the Caribbean.
Selected Publications:
2024. Is variation a sign of decreolization?: Exploring decreolization through diachronic analysis of variation in ‘doz’ and singular pronouns in Guyanese Creolese. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages. https://doi.org/10.1075/jpcl.23008.kai
Forthcoming. Spanish in Guyana: Education policy, language practices and the role of globalization. Ports of Entry: Language in Caribbean Migrations. University Press of Mississippi.