The creative industries are a cornerstone of New Orleans’ culture and economy. Digital Media Practices provide students opportunities to develop and refine digital media skills omnipresent across exhibition spaces and streaming platforms. Students pursue fundamentals through coursework in content creation, storytelling, and media manipulation in filmmaking screenwriting, audio production, Interactive media, game design, podcasting, and interdisciplinary media. Our workshop-style classes allow experienced and supportive faculty to define student goals and actively collaborate — critical soft skills in the media production industry.
The Digital Media Practices Coordinate Major culminates in a two-semester Capstone sequence, during which students develop, produce, and distribute a professional-grade media work in their chosen medium and genre. The goal of this senior project is for students to creatively integrate storytelling with digital practices across cinematic, sound, and data-driven media. While many students choose to create fully produced narrative short films, program faculty challenge students to formulate innovative projects of their own design, including documentary short films, full length screenplays, multi-episode podcasts, radio dramas, interactive media exhibitions, experimental video games, or a combination of similar elements.
The Digital Media Practices Coordinate Major first requires students to declare a major in another discipline before declaring the DMPC coordinate major. The program is an interdisciplinary, 10-class major that can include courses from the Music, Theatre and Dance, Communication, Cinema Studies, Art, and English Departments, and the Strategy, Leadership & Analytics Minor. Declared majors have priority enrollment in classes that emphasize the use of industry standard technologies and equipment.
Our program prepares students for careers in Screenwriting, Producing, Podcasting, Film Production and Post-Production, Production Sound, Sound Design, Interactive Media, and Game Design.
Program Director
Casey Beck
Student Project Spotlight
Mike Maloney (BA, '22) created this video highlighting what makes DMP so unique.
Setting the Stage for Student Success in Digital Media
Originally published in the Summer 2022 School of Liberal Arts Magazine