Recent Graduate Student Publications and Presentations

Evan Coulter

  • "Mind and Necessity in Timaeus' Hepatology," Ancient Philosophy 42.
  • "Political Cosmology in Plato's TImaeus," 2021 Northeastern Political Science Association.
  • "Political Cosmology in Plato's TImaeus," 2021 APA - Pacific Division.

Jeffrey Colgan

  • “Translating the Tractatus and Tractarian Ethics” in Passinsky, Asya, Julio De Rizzo, and Benjamin Schnieder, eds. Facets of Reality — Contemporary Debates: Proceedings of the 45th International Wittgenstein Symposium. De Gruyter, forthcoming 2025.
  • “Wittgenstein Plays the Pedal Steel” chapter in Heter, Joshua and Brett Coppenger, eds. Country Music and Philosophy. MacFarland and Co., forthcoming 2025.
  • “Translating the Tractatus and Tractarian Ethics.” 45th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel (August 2024).
  • “Lucky By Nature? Luck in Aristotle’s Nicomachean and Eudemian Ethics.” Eastern APA, New York City (January 2024).
  • Comment on David Lindeman’s “A Heideggerian Reading of the Tractatus.” Eastern APA, New York City (January 2024).
  • “Lucky By Nature? Aristotle on Luck and Political Science.” Southern Political Science Association (SPSA) Annual Conference, New Orleans (January 2024).
  • Review of Transcending Reason: Heidegger on Rationality, Matthew Burch and Irene McMullin, eds. Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 13 (2023): 273-279.
  • “Moral Vision and Environmental Ethics.” 13th Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy (SOPhiA), University of Salzburg, Salzburg (September 2023).
  • “Moral Vision and Environmental Ethics.” Third Annual Philosophy in the Wild Conference (University of Pennsylvania), Poe Paddy State Park, Pennsylvania (July 2023).
  • “Lucky By Nature? Aristotle on Luck and Political Science.” Southern Political Science Association’s 2023 Virtual Summer Conference (June 2023).
  • “Rethinking Heidegger on Rationality.” Graduate Student Research Series, Tulane University Department of Philosophy, New Orleans (March 2023).
  • “Wittgenstein & Heidegger on Ethical Knowledge.” Eastern APA, Montreal (January 2023).
  • “Buddhist Moral Phenomenology’s Epistemological Worry: Dinnāga & Dharmakīrti on Conceptual Distortion.” Gonzaga University Graduate Philosophy Conference, Gonzaga University, Spokane (April 2022).
  • Comment on Jerome Romagosa’s “Representational Deflationsism: Eliminativism or Anti-Naturalism?” New Orleans Philosophical Society’s Graduate Student Conference, Tulane University, New Orleans (March 2022).
  • “The Comstock Apparatus” chapter in Canaday, Margot, Nancy F. Cott, and Robert O. Self, eds. Intimate States: Gender, Sexuality, and Governance in Modern US History. University of Chicago Press, 2021. Co-written with Jeffrey Escoffier and Whitney Strub.

Maura Cowan

  • "The Politics of Poetry: Plato's Republic II-III," 2021 APA - Central Division.

Sam Hage

  • “Slavish by Nature: Aristotle on Slaves, Women, and Barbarians.” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association (forthcoming, 2024).
  • “Athens, Jerusalem, Saxony: Edward Gibbon on the Roots of the Modern West.” Association for Core Texts and Courses, Memphis (April 2024).
  • “Species Essentialism in Aristotle’s Metaphysics.” Tulane Research, Innovation, and Creativity Summit, New Orleans (April 2024).
  • “A Rereading of Socratic Ignorance in Plato’s Apology.” Central APA, New Orleans (February 2024).
  • “Plato’s Hedonistic Defense of Philosophy in the Philebus.” Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans (January 2024).
  • “Aristotle’s Commercial Alternative to Slavery in the Politics.” PPE Society, New Orleans (November 2023).
  • “Ethical Intuition and the Immortal Soul in Plato’s Meno.Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association (2023).
  • “Plato’s Meno and the Limits of Teaching.” Duquesne University Graduate Students in Philosophy Conference, virtual (April 2023).
  • “Slavish by Nature: Aristotle’s Ambivalence on Slavery and Commerce in the Politics.” Southern Political Science Association, Tampa (January 2023).
  • “The Soul with Good Sense Guides Correctly: Mathematical and Ethical Intuition in Plato’s Meno.” Eastern APA, Montreal (January 2023).

Corey Horn

  • “Thomas Paine and Immanuel Kant’s Cosmopolitanism: Towards a Universal System,” Southwest Philosophy Review, vol. 37 no. 1, January 2021: 61-68.
  • “Thomas Paine’s Divided Sovereignty” 53rd Meeting of the North Texas Philosophical Association March 2023, University of Texas, Dallas
  • “Thomas Paine and Immanuel Kant’s Cosmopolitanism: Towards a Universal System”  2021 Central Division Meeting – APA February 2021, New Orleans, LA – Moved Online
  • “Discussing Philosophy of Race while Practicing Philosophy for Children” Invited Panel, Education and Racial Literacy 2021 Central Division Meeting – APA February 2021, New Orleans, LA – Moved Online
  • “An Analysis of Jürgen Habermas’ Views of Kant’s Cosmopolitan Project”  2021 Eastern Division Meeting – APA January 2021, New York, NY – Moved Online
  • “Thomas Paine’s Cosmopolitan Project: Securing Human Rights and Global Peace” 52nd Meeting of the North Texas Philosophical Association March 202 University of North Texas – Dallas, TX
  • “Recovering Thomas Paine: A Radical Cosmopolitan Leader” PPE Society Fourth Annual Meeting March 2020, New Orleans, LA
  • “Philosophy in Education: Bringing Philosophy to K12”, PCA/ACA 2019 National Conference April 2019, Washington D.C.

Cynthia Ma

  • "Law and Its Second Sailing in Plato's Statesman," 2021 Northeastern Political Science Association.
  • "On Tyrannic Love in Plato's Republic," 2021 APA - Pacific Division.

David Ween

  • “Historic Injustice in Rawls’s Property-Owning Democracy,” 2022 Annual Southwest Graduate Conference, Arizona State University.