Ph.D., University of California, San Diego (Philosophy and Cognitive Science), 2015
M.A., Georgia State University, 2009
B.A. Rutgers University, 2007
Academic Interests
- Philosophy of Cognitive Science
- Philosophy of Mind
- Philosophy of Science
Selected Publications
- (Forthcoming). Cognitive Ontologies, Task Ontologies, and Explanation in Cognitive Neuroscience. J. Bickle, A.S. Barwich, and C. Craver (Eds.) The Tools of Neuroscience Experiment: Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives.
- (Forthcoming). Perceptual Learning, Categorical Perception, and Cognitive Permeation. Dialectica.
- (2021). Contents, Vehicles, and Complex Data Analysis in Neuroscience. Synthese, 199(1), 1617-1639.
- (2021). Pluralistic Attitude-Explanation and the Mechanisms of Intentional Action. D. Shoemaker (Ed.), Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, Vol 7. (pp. 130-153). Oxford University Press.
- (2021). Getting over Atomism: Functional Decomposition in Complex Neural Systems. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 72(3), 743-772.
- (2017). Interface problems in the explanation of action. Philosophical Explorations, 20(2), 242-258.
- (2016). A contextualist approach to functional localization in the brain. Biology & Philosophy, 31(4), 527-550.