M.A. in Philosophy, Tulane University, 2024
B.A. in Liberal Studies concentrating in Philosophy, Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, 2021
Areas of Specialization
- Applied Ethics
Areas of Competence
- Virtue Ethics
- AI, Digital/Technology Ethics
- “The Indifference of the Digital: A Stoic Perspective on Social Media Attachment and Detachment” Volume on Buddhism, Stoicism, and Psychotherapy, Carus Books, Forthcoming
- “Socrates Meets Siri: A Socratic Approach to Human-AI Interaction,” 2nd Annual Susanne E. Foster Graduate Philosophy Conference in AI Ethics and Society, Marquette University, April 2025
- "The Digital Herd: A Nietzschean Critique," Seventh Annual Philosophy, Politics, Economics Conference, New Orleans, LA, November 2023
- "Rhetoric and Liberal Studies," Cheyney University's Annual Philosophy and Honor's Conference, Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, May 2021
- Graduate Student Fellow, Tulane University's Center for Ethics, Murphy Institute, 2024-2025
- Elinor Ostrom Fellow, Mercatus Center, 2024-2025
- Adam Smith Fellow, Mercatus Center, 2023-2024