Ph.D. Stanford University, 1980
Radu Bogdan was Professor of Philosophy, Regular Guest Professor at the University of Bucharest, Romania, Director of OPEN MIND, a cognitive science master program at the University of Bucharest, and Founder and Director of the Cognitive Studies Coordinate Major at Tulane. Now relocated to Bucharest, Romania, Bogdan is honorary member of the Romanian Academy and regular member of its philosophy section.
Academic Interests:
- Philosophy of Mind
- Philosophy of Psychology
- Cognitive Science
- Why Me?: The Sociocultural Evolution of a Self-Reflective Mind, (Cambridge University Press), 2021
- Mindvaults: Sociocultural Grounds for Pretending and Imagining, (MIT Press), 2013
- Our Own Minds: Sociocultural Grounds for Self-Consciousness, (MIT Press/Bradford Books), 2010
- Predicative Minds: The Social Ontogeny of Propositional Thinking,(MIT Press/Bradford Books), 2009
- Minding Minds, (MIT Press/Bradford Books), 2000
- Interpreting Minds, (MIT Press/Bradford Books), 1997
- Grounds for Cognition, (Lawrence Erlbaum), 1994
Recent Articles:
- "Memory as a Window on the Mind," in Parvu (ed.), Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Springer, 2015.
- "Scaffolding Early Acquisitions in Communication and Language: Intuitive Psychology as Mind Designer," in Budwig et. al. (eds.), Rethinking Language and Communication Development, Cambridge University Press, 2016.
- "Self-consciousness" (with responses to commentators), Consciousness Online 2012 Conference.
- "Inside Loops: Developmental Premises of Self-ascriptions", Synthese 159, 2, 2007, 235-251.
- "Pretending as Imaginative Rehearsal for Cultural Conformity," Journal of Cognition and Culture, 5, 1-2, 2005, 191-213.
- "Why Self-Ascriptions are Difficult and Develop Late," in B. Malle and S. Hodges (eds.), Other Minds, New York: Guilford Press, 2005.
- "What is Epistemic Discourse About?" in D. Kolak and J. Symons (eds.), Quantifiers, Questions, and Quantum Physics, Springer, Dordrecth, 2004, 49-60.
- "Watch Your Metastep: The First-Order Limits of Early Intentional Attributions," in Kanzian, Quitterer and Runggaldier (eds.), Persons: An Interdisciplinary Approach Vienna: Holder-Pichler-Tempsky, 2003, 117-129.
- "Developing Mental Abilities by Representing Intentionality," Synthese 129, 2, 2001, 233-258.
"The Architectural Nonechalance of Commonsense Psychology," Mind and Language 8 (1993), 189-205.