Recent/Past Graduates

Recent Graduates

Bess Vincent (Ph.D. 2011)

Nicole Youngman (Ph.D. 2011)

Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Loyola University New Orleans

Melissa S. Abelev (Ph.D. 2009)

Senior Policy Analyst
Office of Policy Analysis
Council of the District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.)

Farrah D. Gafford (Ph.D. 2008)

Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Xavier University (New Orleans, L.A.)

Jessica W. Pardee (Ph.D. 2009)

Assistant Professor of Sociology
Urban and Community Studies Program Coordinator
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Rochester Insititute of Technology (Rochester, NY)

Barbara Stroope (Ph.D. 2008)

Market Analyst
Southwest Power Pool (Little Rock, AR)

Marcel Lonescu (Ph.D.)

Past Ph.D. Dissertations

Krista Brumley. 2004. Challenging the Boundaries of Citizenship: NGOs and Political Participation in Monterrey, Mexico.

Sue Falter Mennino. 2003. Dads in the Workplace: How Men Juggle Jobs and Kids.

John F. Hall. 2003. Treating the Substance Abusive Homeless: Implications of the New Orleans Homeless Substance Abusers Project.

Petrice Sams-Abiodun. 2002. Missing Data, Missing Men: Attachment of Men in Low-Income Neighborhoods.

Mistu Ghosh. 2002. A Longitudinal Analysis of Welfare Use and Educational Attainment Among Teenage Parents: Comparing the Effects of Socioeconomic Background with Age and Marital Status at Childbirth.

Evelina Panaytova. 2001. Stratification Beliefs and Support for the Welfare State: A Cross-National Analysis of Determinants of Public Attitudes towards Government Policies.

John Eric Baugher. 2001. Solidarity Forever? Political Generations, Union Loyalty, and the Team Concept.

Melissa M. Toffolon-Weiss. 2001. Power to the People - Understanding Shifts in Community Power.

Carla S. Hall. 2001. Competing Interests among Children and the Elderly: Testing the Generational Equity Perspective Cross-Nationally.

Anane N. Olatunji. 2000. The Relationship between Work Experience and Well-Being among Mexican-Origin Youths.

Lesley Williams Reid. 2000. Economic Restructuring, Political Ideologies, and Urban Crime Rates: 1947-1998.