Welcome to the Department of Sociology at Tulane University. Sociology is the study of the social causes, consequences and structure of human behavior.

Tulane Sociologists use a variety of theoretical approaches and research methods to investigate the structure and processes of groups, organizations, and societies, and how people interact within these various contexts.

Tulane Sociologists are committed to excellence in teaching, research, and service. We provide undergraduate and graduate students with opportunities to learn valuable, life-long transferable skills in critical thinking, data collection, data analysis, and communicating research to a public audience.

Why Major in Sociology?

Are you fascinated by the complexities of our social world? Do you want to make a difference in you community? Then explore the exciting field of Sociology!

  • Take fascinating courses
  • Tackle real-world issues
  • Gain useful skills
  • Pursue diverse careers

Major/Minor Requirements

See the requirements for a Major or Minor in Sociolgy where students develop frameworks and methodologies to examine, understand, and measure how society operates at all levels. As a sociology major, you will acquire concrete, transferable, evergreen skills that are relevant to civic engagement and valuable in a broad range of rewarding careers, domestically and worldwide.

Interested in becoming a Sociology Major (or Minor)? It's easy.

  1. Fill out the online major declaration form.
  2. When prompted, contact the Sociology Director of Undergraduate Studies, Prof. Mariana Craciun (socidus@tulane.edu).
  3. If you are a major, you will be assigned an advisor.
  4. All new majors and minors will be added to our Sociology Canvas site, where they can find useful information about the department.

Department Chair: David A. Smilde 
Associate Chair and Director of Undergraduate Studies: Mariana Craciun  
Operations Manager: Terry Spriggs

For information on transfer credit approval or the undergraduate major, please contact Mariana Craciun.