Joel A. Devine, Department of Sociology Tulane University

Joel A. Devine

Director, Urban Studies
216 Newcomb Hall


Ph.D. Indiana University


Current research focuses on the role of mass entertainment and the construction of "place"; my concern being commercial cinematic representation and cities, particularly as it relates to the inter-connected processes of place-making and place-identity. Using New Orleans as a case study, my students and I are exploring how the city and culture of New Orleans figure prominently as both a character and context in commercial entertainment film by examining the production, reproduction, and transformation of the city's culture and its cinematic expression across numerous film genres and a body of about 150 extant films produced since the 1930s.


Urbanization, Urban Policy & Development, Sociology of Film, Political Economy.


  • SOCI 246 - Cinematic New Orleans
  • SOCI 631 – Urban Experience
  • URST 202 – The City II