Dr. Alexandra Reuber is a Senior Professor of Practice in French and the Academic Director of the summer-study abroad program “Tulane in Paris.” She joined the Department of French and Italian in 2006, and served as Director of the French Language Program from 2009 to 2014. She received an M.A. in English and French literature from the RWTH-University, Aachen, Germany, an M.A. in teaching foreign languages from the Studienseminar Hagen, Germany, and a PhD. in Comparative Literature from Louisiana State University. She teaches classes in French language, literature, and culture, in language pedagogy, as well as in folklore.
Her specialization is nineteenth-century literature, with a special interest in the development of Gothic and Fantastic literature, and second language acquisition. Her research focuses on the development of Gothic, Fantastic, and Horror Fiction, the adaptation and transformation of classical works in popular culture texts and films, communicatively orientated foreign language teaching, on the development of 21st century skills in the foreign language classroom, and the implications of service learning in the foreign language classroom setting.
Selected appointments
- Academic Director of the four-week summer program, “Tulane in Paris,” Department of French and Italian
- Director of Undergraduate Studies, French (July 2018 – August 2019)
- Director of French Language Program, Department of French and Italian, Tulane University (July 2009 – July 2014)
- Adjunct Professor in the Teacher Certification Program, Tulane University
- CELT Teaching Fellow, Tulane University (academic year 2013/2014)
Selected publications
- Lost in the Supermarket: When “The Mist” Fogs Our Mind …When Basic Emotions Transform into Monstrous Acts.” Violence in the Films of Stephen King, edited by Tony Magistrale and Michael J. Blouin, Lexington books, 2021.
- “The (Silent) Articulation of Otherness: Maurice Blanchot’s Double Parole in Death Sentence, Awaiting Oblivion, and Madness of the Day.” Athens Journal of Philology, vol. 6, no. 4, 2019.
- “Transcending Classrooms, Communities, and Cultures: Service Learning As an Integral Component of Foreign Language Teaching Methods Courses.” Languages beyond the Classroom: A Guide to Community-Based Learning for World Language Programs (Special topic publication), edited by Jann Purdy Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018.
- “Three Experiences in Video Conferencing with Native Speakers of Spanish and French.” NECTFL Review, 2017.
- “Creating Personalized Learning Opportunities in the Foreign Language Classroom: Integration of Online Resources into the Language Learning Process.” The International Journal of Communication and Linguistics Vol 13.3 (2015)
- “In Search of the Lost Object in a Bad Place: Stephen King’s Contemporary Gothic.” Stephen King’s Contemporary Classics. Reflections on the Modern Master of Horror, edited by Philip Simpson and Patrick McAleer. Rowman & Littlefield (November) 2014.
- « Bastille – ou la révolution des émotions ». Le français dans le monde (2013).
- “Identity Crisis and Personality Disorders in Edgar Allan Poe’s “William Wilson” (1839), David Fincher’s Fight Club (1999), and James Mangold’s Identity (2003),” Adapting Poe: Re-Imaginings in International and Popular Culture, edited by Carl Sederholm and Dennis Perry. Palgrave-Macmillan, (August 2012).
- “From Association, to the Acquisition, Process, and Consolidation of New Language Material: A Differentiated Approach to French Vocabulary Instruction” published in Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching (2012).
Recent courses taught (Tulane campus)
- FREN 6050/4050: Teaching French: Methods, Techniques, and Practices.
- FREN 5950: Senior Seminar
- EDUC 5130: Methods II – How to Teach Foreign Languages
- FREN 4890: Service Learning FREN 4050 (collaboration with selected immersion schools in New Orleans)
- FREN 4010: The French Short Story
- FREN 3330: Lost in the Dark: The Fantastic and Its Uncanny Manifestations
- FREN 3250: French History and Its Institutions
- FREN 3150: Advanced Grammar through Media I
Recent courses taught (summer study abroad, "Tulane in Paris")
- FREN 3330: Capturing Paris: Fiction, Art, or Reality?
- FREN 3330: The City of Light and Its Haunting Past
- FREN 3250: L’histoire de Paris, l’histoire de France? Une Promenade sur les lieux de l’histoire