Fayçal Falaky (Ph.D. New York University) is a specialist in 18th-century French literature, culture and politics. His research is broadly concerned with Enlightenment philosophy and literature and the history of ideas. He has published articles in journals such as Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, Journal of Eighteenth-Century Studies and European Journal of Political Theory. He is also the author of Social Contract, Masochist Contract: Aesthetics of Freedom and Submission in Rousseau (SUNY Press, 2014).
Forthcoming Publications
Diderot et le paysage, co-edited with Zeina Hakim for Diderot Studies (Geneva: Droz, forthcoming in 2022).
“Rewinding the Sentiment,” in Frameworks of Time in Rousseau, eds. Jason Neidleman and Masano Yamashita (London and New York: Routledge Press, forthcoming in 2022).
Recent Publications
Modes of Play in Eighteenth-Century France, co-edited with Reginald McGinnis (Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2021).
“D’un déisme à l’autre: Le wahhabisme au temps des Lumières,” in Les Lumières, l'esclavage et l'idéologie coloniale, XVIIIe-XIXe siècles, ed. Pascale Pellerin (Paris: Editions Classiques Garnier, 2020), 131-152.
“The Cloche and its Critics: Muting the Church’s Voice in Pre-Revolutionary France,” Journal of the History of Ideas 81.2 (2020): 239-255. [Finalist for the Society for French Historical Studies William Koren Prize]
“Etat des royaumes de Barbarie, Tripoly, Tunis et Alger (1703),” in David Thomas and John Chesworth (eds.), Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History, 13: 1700-1800 (Leiden: Brill, 2019): 561-565.
“Les mouvements de la vanité à l’époque des Lumières,” Quêtes littéraires 8 (2018): 43-52.
“Radical Islam, Tolerance and the Enlightenment,” Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 47.1 (2018) 265-68.