Research Interests
Michele White studies media and visual culture, with a research emphasis on the theories that can be developed for analyzing new communication technologies and the representations and political implications that occur with the Internet. Her research uses feminist, queer, and anti-racist approaches to address popular and academic claims that individuals are equally empowered by digital media. Some of her current research concerns are the gendering of interfaces, Internet beauty and fashion cultures, popular feminisms, online hate, and how the interconnected experiences of physically touching and emotionally feeling are produced through digital media. She co-edited an issue of Feminist Media Histories on the “Genealogies of Feminist Media Studies” (2018). She is currently co-editing the anthology Anti-feminisms in Media Culture for Routledge. She is also completing Touch/Screen/Theory: Digital Devices and Embodied Feelings.
Selected Publications
- Producing Masculinity: The Internet, Gender, and Sexuality. New York: Routledge, 2019.
- Producing Women: The Internet, Traditional Femininity, Queerness, and Creativity. New York: Routledge, 2015.
- Buy It Now: Lessons from eBay. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2012.
- The Body and the Screen: Theories of Internet Spectatorship. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006.
- New Media and Internet Studies
- New Media Analysis
- Communication, Culture and the Body: Feminism, SF, and Technology
- Communication, Culture and the Body: Dangerous Bodies
- New Media Theory