G – Global Perspectives PE – Perspectives/European PN – Perspectives/Non European PCI – Perspectives/Comp, Intl R – Race & Inclusion TH – Textual & Historical Perspectives WT – Western Traditions T1 – Writing Tier-1 T2 – Writing Intensive SLA Tier -2
HISB 1310 Africa Since 1800 (McMahon) G, PN, TH, T1
TR 9:30AM-10:45PM
This course considers the history of sub-Saharan Africa under colonialism and after: the responses of people to governments very different from those they had previously, changes in African societies, the challenges of the postcolonial period. Topics covered include gender relations, peasant agriculture, wage labor, politics, and development.
HISU 1910 New Orleans History 300 yrs+ (Fertel) R, TH, T1
TR 8AM-9:15AM
This lecture course surveys the 300+ year history of New Orleans, with a special emphasis on the city’s social and cultural contributions, including: food, music, art, literature, civil rights, and the best place in the nation to catch a sneak preview of what the end of the world might look like.
HISA 2030 Byzantine & Early Med Civilization (Harl) G, TH, WT, T1
MWF 10AM-10:50AM
This course covers the transformation of the late Roman world into the Christian civilization of the Byzantine Empire and early Medieval West. Emphasis is on changes in late Roman state and society, the barbarian invasions and fall of the Western Roman Empire, the failure to restore the Roman order by Justinian (527-565), the emergence of the Middle Byzantine state and Orthodox tradition, the inversion of Eastern Europe, the impact of the Crusades, and the Byzantine transmission of the Classical heritage to Western Europe.
HISA 2310 - Medieval England (Pollock) G, TH, WT, T1
MWF 10AM-10:50AM
A survey of the political, social, and intellectual development of England from the Anglo-Saxon period to 1485.
HISC 2010 - History of China to 1800 (DeMare) G, PN, TH, T1
MWF 1PM-1:50PM
This survey course introduces the main themes of Chinese history, from Neolithic times down to the end of the pre-modern era (marked, both by tradition and for sake of convenience, at 1800 CE). Key topics include the exploration of the religious, moral, and social beliefs of early China as well as the assessment of the significance of the institutions of state and family, which have left such a striking imprint on the whole of Chinese history. This course is intended for those with little or no prior study of Chinese history; by the end of the semester, students should have a rounded perspective on the diversity as well as the essential continuities of Chinese culture in its formative stages.
HISE 2230 - France since 1789 (Edwards) G, TH, T1
TR 9:30AM-10:45AM
A survey of French history since 1789, with particular attention to social, cultural, and political change. Among other topics, we will examine political upheaval, imperialism, class dynamics, changing gender roles, and questions of French identity in the modern era.
HISE 2250 - Russia Since 1825- Present (Ramer) G, TH, WT, T1
MWF 1PM-1:50PM
This lecture course covers the last decades of the Tsarist regime, the Russian revolution of 1917, the Soviet Regime from Lenin and Stalin, the collapse of the Soviet Regime in 1991, and the Putin era.
HISE 2420 - The Age of Reformation (Boyden) G, TH, WT, T1
TR 11AM-12:15PM
Surveys the transformation of Western Christendom (c. 1400-1700), with emphasis on: late medieval religious practice; discontent and reform currents within the Church; the Protestant Reformations of Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, anabaptists, and others; and Catholic response and Counter-Reformation.
HISE 2430 - Modern Spain since 1700 (Boyden) G, TH, T1
TR 2PM-3:15PM
Examines the course of modern Spanish history from the Bourbon succession through the loss of overseas empire, the political and social evolution culminating in the bloody civil war of 1936-39, and the subsequent dictatorship of Franco, to contemporary democratic Spain and the challenges it faces.
HISE 2910 - Sports Mod Germany & Beyond (Otte) TH, T1
MWF 11AM-11:50AM
Few activities are better suited to integrate European history into global histories of the modern world than sport. Since the nineteenth century, organized games have been integral parts of mass culture and everyday life around the world, reflecting and shaping wider political and socio-economic processes. Covering key themes in the history of the modern world – such as race, empire, gender, and nationalism – this course critically analyzes the development of modern European sport and understandings of the body from a global perspective. With a primary emphasis on the ‘global game’ of football (soccer), the material covered will include a wide range of other themes, from European gymnastic traditions, socialist cycling tournaments, the history of the Olympic games, 19th century environmentalism and the history of the cold war.
HISL 2820 - Modern Brazil (Cruz) G, TH, T1
MWF 3PM-3:50PM
Brazilian history from 1822, including the first and second empires and the republic. Attention is given to the liquidation of slavery, the replacement of imperial values by the establishment of the republic, and the military question.
HISL 2910 - Histories of the Future (Wolfe) TH, T1
MWF 12PM-12:50PM
What would the future bring for Latin America? Utopia? Dystopia? Development? Revolution? This course explores visions of the future—navigating between fantasy and reality—from independence to today.
HISM 2210 - Modern Middle East 1750-Pres (Hock) G, PN, TH, T1
TR 12:30PM-1:45PM, TR 3:30PM-4:45PM
This course is a survey of modern Middle Eastern history. It starts with an evaluation of the Ottoman and Safavid empires, the two largest early modern political entities in the area. It then proceeds by discussing the nineteenth-century reform movements, the impact of the dismantlement of the Ottoman Empire and the First World War on the region, the post-1945 developments, the rise and development of Arab nationalism and political Islam, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Iranian Revolution, the Gulf War and the most recent US intervention in Iraq. The aim of the course is to provide students with a solid grasp of historical events and political processes, as well as a detailed knowledge of important intellectual and cultural developments.
HISU 2605 - Twentieth Century America (Horowitz) R, TH, T1
TR 9:30AM-10:45AM
A survey of twentieth century U.S. history, focused on politics, culture, and the environment. Topics include immigration, imperialism, suffrage, Jim Crow, the Great Depression, the New Deal, world wars, the Civil Rights Movement, conservatism, the War on Terror, climate change, and America's future.
HISU 2910 - The Bloodiest War (Gilpin) R, TH, T1
TR 12:30PM-1:45PM
This course explores the causes, course, and consequences of the American Civil War, from roughly 1800 to 1877, studying slavery, total war, and the challenge of reconstructing the nation.
HISU 2911 - The Digital Revolution (Isaacson) TH, T1
TR 2PM-3:15PM
This course will explore the digital revolution from the 1830s to the present. It will begin with Ada Lovelace and the conception of a general-purpose computer and culminate with the creation of social networks, the sharing economy, and artificial intelligence. Special attention will be paid to the three inventions that combined to create the digital age: the computer, the microchip, and the internet. We will also look at what makes a disruptive digital business.
HISA 3250 - Jews, Christians, Muslims (Luongo) G, TH, T2
TR 11AM-12:15PM
This seminar explores the relationships between the three Abrahamic religions during the Middle Ages. It examines the experience of Jews as minorities in both Christian and Muslim territories, encounters between Christians and Muslims both violent and peaceful in the Mediterranean and in Europe, and the ways in which each community was shaped by its encounters with the others.
HISB 3250 - Archiving Africa (McMahon) G, TH, T2
M 3PM-5:25PM
This is an advanced course in historical methods that uses a service-learning component to enhance student understanding of historical materials, archives and how these connect with the larger community. In this course, students will focus in particular on materials related to African history found in New Orleans archives, allowing students to develop an understanding of the historical links between the local community and the continent of Africa. Moreover, students will consider the methodologies used to preserve the various histories of Africa and consider how these methods can be used for other under-represented communities, such as found in New Orleans. Service Learning
HISE 3250 - Russia at War, 1939-1945 (Ramer) G, PN, TH, T2
TR 2PM-3:15PM
This seminar provides an overview and analysis of the Second World War on the Eastern front. The Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, inaugurated one of the bloodiest wars in history. The Soviet victory following devastating defeats and losses at the war's outset, was indispensable to the overall Allied victory. The Soviet victory was won at enormous cost, whether in human lives lost or in the physical devastation of the country. The victory also transformed the Soviet Union into a superpower and left the Soviet Union in control of much of Eastern Europe.
HISL 3100 - Explorers, Liars and Travelers (Wolfe) G, TH, T1
W 9AM-11:25AM
This course focuses on teaching historical methods-the tools we use, as historians, to interpret and represent the past. Travelers provide an excellent and accessible body of historical sources across a wide range of time and places. But traveling is also a great metaphor for being a historian: like travelers, we lack perfect knowledge, we have questionable cultural understanding, and we try to make sense of the world we live in.
HISL 3361 - Slave Rebellions (Adderley) G, TH
MW 3PM-4:15PM
The white supremacist who attacked Emmanuel AME church in Charleston studied slave rebellions. Why? How important were slave uprisings in the history of slavery? What do we really know about them? What should we know?
HISL 3911 - Enviro Hst Latin America (Lane) G, TH, T2
TR 8AM-9:15AM
This course examines key topics in the environmental history of Latin America from 1492 to the present, including water manage- ment, deforestation, mono-cropping, livestock grazing, mining, and urbanization.
HISU 3776 - What is an American? (Teichgraeber) TH
M 1PM-3:25PM
What does it mean to be an American? This course explores a substantial part of the long, complicated, and interesting history of answers that Americans have given this question over time. Does American have a national identity uniquely its own, or is it best understood as a container of diverse identities defined by separate ethnic and racial groups?
HISL 4740 - Caribbean Cultural History (Adderley) G, TH
MWF 9AM-9:50AM
This course explores the development of distinctive cultural forms and patterns in the Caribbean basin from the arrival of Europeans at the end of the 15th century up to the present day. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the diverse origins and particular social contexts from which different aspects of Caribbean culture have developed. Service Learning
HISL 4910 - Monsters in History (GarcÍa) G, TH
MW 4:30PM-5:45PM
From Christopher Columbus to the 1990s phenomenon of the Chupacabra, monsters in history represent transgressions of race, sex, gender, space, and nature. This course provides students with a historical framework for analyzing and understanding representations of monstrosity in Latin American culture (broadly defined).
HIST 4570 - Internship & Public Hist Sem (Cruz) TH
M 12PM-2:25PM
What is public history? What do public historians do? What does history look like outside of the classroom? What are the public debates about the telling of history, and what are the consequences? This is a hands-on course which requires both an internship and seminar participation. Students will have an internship with a community partner and intern for 60-70 hours for the course of the semester. In addition, we will have regular seminar meetings as well as guest lectures and field trips.
HISA 6010 - Roman Principate (Harl) G, TH, T2
W 12:30PM-2:55PM
Research seminar on select topics in Roman History: Roman Imperialism and Transmarine Expansion (264-30 B.C.E.); Roman Principate; Later Roman Empire; Peloponnesian and Punic Wars; Rome and the Raj: Imperial Armies, Frontiers, and Societies; Imperial Rome and Imperial China (200 B.C.E.- 200 C.E.); Rome and Iran (100 B.C.E -650 C.E.); The Conflict of Pagans and Christians in the Roman Empire (30-565), Rome's Mediterranean Economy or Rome and the Northern Barbarians.
HISC 6310 - China Revolution 1900-1949 (DeMare) G, TH
T 12:30PM-2:55PM
China's twentieth century was irrevocably and profoundly marked by the Chinese Revolution. But how are historians to define the Chinese Revolution, both in setting its temporal boundaries and interpreting the meaning behind the event? Is it possible to determine the causes of the Revolution, or to elucidate why it took the path that it did? What did the Revolution mean for different social groups, as well as the individual? This course, an intensive reading seminar, is designed to address these issues by engaging a wide range of scholarship. Key topics include the legacy of the Republican Era, the rise of the Chinese Communist Party, land reform, and the impact of the revolutionary era on the lives of women.
HISE 6350 - Crime/Punish Hanov Engln (Pollock) G, TH, T2
W 3:30PM-5:55PM
This in-depth seminar focuses on crime, punishment and the justice system in eighteenth-century England. We will investigate such topics as the rise of defense lawyers, the goals of punishment and the development of a system of police. Students will also make use of a digitized data base, theoldbaileyonline, which contains the transcripts of trials held at the Old Bailey courthouse in London to write a research paper.
HISE 6520 - Immigr & Identity in France (Edwards) G, TH, T2
T 3:30PM-5:55PM
This seminar will explore the history of immigration to France since the late 19th century and attendant debates over national identity, secularism, and race. We will examine colonial and postcolonial migration, the rise of xenophobic extremist political parties, minority activism, and controversies over the place of Islam in French society.
HISE 6910 - Representations of War-Europe (Otte) G, TH, WT, T2
W 12:30PM-2:55PM
HISL 6910 - Global Histories (Lane) G, TH
R 3:30PM-5:55PM
Globalization is a condition of our present world, but history as a discipline has struggled to explain this condition, its origins, features, and changes across time. Most historians still work within the confines of national narratives despite pressure to 'globalize' their inquiries. This seminar examines seminal texts that have pressed historians to expand their geographical horizons not just as a reflection of current concerns but rather as a reflection of past connections and world-encompassing perspectives.
HISM 6910 - Race/Ethnicity in Middle East (Hock) G, TH
W 12:30PM-2:55PM
This course will examine understandings of race and ethnicity in the Middle East and North Africa from the rise of Islam to the present. Students will read a variety of primary and secondary sources to address these questions: How can historians analyze racial and ethnic categories? How did racial and ethnic identities change over time and what kinds of social forces assisted in producing them? What is the relationship between religious identity and ethnic or racial identity? What meanings are attached to skin color in the region? Specific topics we will discuss include the history of slavery in the Islamic world, European imperialism, depictions of racial and ethnic difference in media, and present-day connotations of difference in the region.
HISU 6260 - New Directions in Womens Hist (Haugeberg) R, TH, T2
M 9AM-11:25AM
Until recently, most historians paid little attention to social relationships, race, or to the experiences of the poor. Beginning in the 1960s, scholars began to question the assumption that rituals. customs, and social practices were fixed or experienced the same by everyone. By inserting women into their analysis of U.S. history, historians quickly determined that our understanding of key historical events, economic change, and social customs was incomplete and often failed to capture the lived experiences of most Americans. Historians of women and gender have reimagined the ways we might think about the past, causing us to reconsider assumptions about labor, sex, and politics. In this course, you join the enterprise committed to enlarging our sense of what it has meant to live in or engage with the United States by investigating the experiences of women and men.
HISU 6420 - American Revolutions (Clark) TH, T2
M 9AM-11:25AM
The American War of Independence was one of many revolutionary movements that rocked the Atlantic world between 1760 and the 1820s. This course familiarizes students with the major interpretations of the American revolution and situates it within the larger spasm of freedom struggles that characterized the period, including Caribbean slave rebellions and the Latin American wars of independence.
HISU 6910 Capitol Insurrection-A History (Fertel) TH, T2
W 9AM-11:25AM
This seminar course examines the events, individuals, and social movements leading to the U.S. Capitol Insurrection/Riot of January 6, 2021. Rather than looking at the years leading up to the attack on the Capitol, our readings will focus on several decades’ worth of developments, including: the politics of paranoia, white power and paramilitary movements, and the rise of the New American Right.
HISU 6911 - Future of the American City (Horowitz) TH, T2
T 12:30PM-2:55PM
A seminar on the twentieth century history of American cities and suburbs — and changing ideas about their futures — with an eye on climate change. Topics include race, class, migration, oil, environment, capitalism, infrastructure, justice, and community.
G – Global Perspectives PE – Perspectives/European PN – Perspectives/Non European PCI – Perspectives/Comp, Intl R – Race & Inclusion TH – Textual & Historical Perspectives WT – Western Traditions T1 – Writing Tier-1 T2 – Writing Intensive SLA Tier -2