
MENA-Related Books by Faculty

Visions of Persia, Mapping the Travels of Adam Olearius

Elio Brancaforte

Harvard University Press, 2003
Edging toward Iberia

Jean Dangler

University of Toronto Press, 2017
 Disorienting America’s Maghreb

Brian T. Edwards

Duke University Press, 2005
Les Lettres de la Nouvelle-Orléans

Bouchaib Gadir

Editions L'Harmattan, 2017
 Building a Client State in Iran

Mark Gasiorowski

Cornell University Press, 1991
Mohammad Mosaddeq and the 1953 Coup in Iran

Mark Gasiorowski

Syracuse University Press, 2004
Vladimir Jabotinsky's Russian Years, 1900-1925

Brian Horowitz

Indiana University Press, 2020
 La Source 1866-2014

Felicia McCarren

Oxford University Press, 2020


Expressions maghrébines

Expressions maghrébines cover

Expressions maghrébines is the leading peer-reviewed Maghrebi literature journal of the Coordination Internationale des Chercheurs sur les Littératures Maghrébines (CICLIM). Edited by Edwige Tamalet Talbayev, it is housed in the Department of French and Italian in Tulane's School of Liberal Arts. The journal publishes new, cutting edge research in French and English on literature and other cultural forms rooted in the Maghreb and its diasporas. Recent issues include “Cultures of Mysticism,” “Transnational Maghrebi Cinema,” “Desire and Non-Normative Sexualities in the Maghreb and its Diaspora,” “Translating the Maghreb,” “Image, Text, Sound: Transmedial Aesthetics in the Contemporary Maghreb.” The journal is available through ProjectMuse.

For additional information, visit the Expressions maghrébines information web page.

Recent issues are available on the Expressions maghrébines web page.