Luca Ferrero, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Alexander Schaefer, PPE Workshop
Utku Cansu, German Philosophy Workshop
Johanna Jauernig, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Jennifer Lackey, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Mark Alznauer, German Philosophy Workshop
Dustin Sebell, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Eric Mandelbaum, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Jeffrey Gower, German Philosophy Workshop
Alessio Rotundo, German Philosophy Workshop
Richard Velkley, German Philosophy Workshop
Nicolas Buccola, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Teresa Bejan, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Ryan Muldoon, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Ian Dunkle, German Philosophy Workshop
Nick Riggle, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Jennifer Hawkins, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Eric Wiland, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
James Konow, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Geoff Sayre-McCord, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Beatriz Magaloni, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Natalia Washington, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Kristin Voigt, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Subramanian Rangan, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Robert Talisse, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Serene Khader, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Carmen Pavel, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Devin Stauffer, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Mark Timmons, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Alex Worsnip, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Alin Fumurescu, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Mark LeBar, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Dan Russell, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Serife Tekin, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Robin Hahnel, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Jessica Flanigan, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
C. Thi Nguyen, Murphy Insitute Faculty Seminar
S.M. Love, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Jessica Wilson, Faculty Seminar
Alex Guerrero, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Michael Hannon, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Fabienne Peter, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
New Orleans Workshop on Agency and Responsibility
Myisha Cherry, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Caspar Hare, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Agnes Callard, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Sam Fleischacker, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Christie Hartley, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Michael McKenna, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Serena Olsaretti, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Matt King, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Robert Hartman, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Abelard Podgorski, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Julia Markovitz, Murphy Insitute Faculty Seminar
Christian Miller, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
2019 - 2020
Shyam Nair, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Agnes Callard, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Shelly Kagan, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Jose Medina, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Derek Baker, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Bart Wilson, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Philip Goff, Lecture
Hille Paakkunainen, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Japa Pallikkathayil, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
New Orleans Workshop on Agency and Responsibility
Thomas Merrill, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
2018 - 2019
Richard Velkley, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
New Orleans Graduate Conference at Tulane
Hanna Pickard, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Holly Smith, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Miranda Fricker, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Elizabeth Barnes, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
New Orleans Invitational Seminar in Ethics (NOISE)
Ralph Wedgwood, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Thomas Christiano, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Helene Landemore, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Michael Huemer, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Mark Alznauer, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Jonathan Silver, Judeo-Christian Lecture Series
Roy Baumeister, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Tom Dougherty, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Karl Widerquist, Public Lecture (presented by the Philosophy Club)
Jonathan Way, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Iskra Fileva, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Berislav Marusic, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
2017 - 2018
Charles Mills, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Bill Jaworski, Lecture
Chris Heathwood, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Constantine Sandis, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
David Sobel, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
New Orleans Invitational Seminar in Ethics (NOISE)
Thomas Hurka, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Gualtiero Piccinini, Lecture
Christina Bichieri, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Nomy Arpaly, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Khalil Habib, Judeo-Christian Lecture Series
Jamie Dreier, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Conference
Richard Dien Winfield, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
New Orleans Workshop on Agency and Responsibility (NOWAR)
Rebecca Tuvel, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Nick Zangwill, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Michael Munger, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Sarah Buss, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Suzy Killmister, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Justin D'Arms, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
2016 - 2017
Gideon Rosen, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Society Conference
Jonathan Dancy, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Conference
Ann Cudd, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
New Orleans Invitational Seminar in Ethics (NOISE)
Tamar Shapiro, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Kevin Vallier, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Jon Levenson, Judeo-Christian Lecture Series
Owen Flanagan, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Dan Jacobson, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Richard Eldridge, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Liam Murphy, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Jennifer Frey, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
George Weigel, Judeo-Christian Lecture Series
Rosa Terlazzo, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
James Stoner, Judeo-Christian Lecture Series
Paul Hurley, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
2015 - 2016
Valerie Tiberius, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Samuel Scheffler, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Jesse Graham, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Christine Hayes, Judeo-Christian Lecture Series
New Orleans Invitational Seminar in Ethics (NOISE)
Geoffrey Sayre-McCord, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
George Sher, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Conference
Robin Einhorn, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Michael Sevel, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Dan Haybron, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Sarah McGrath, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
John Doris, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Marya Schechtman, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
New Orleans Workshop on Agency and Responsibility (NOWAR)
Tom Polger, Lecture
Jason Hanna, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Jacob Levy, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Steven Wall, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Roslyn Weiss, Judeo-Christian Lecture Series
Robert Pippin, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Jason Raibley, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
2014 - 2015
Massimo Renzo, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Conference
R. Jay Wallace, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
New Orleans Invitational Seminar in Ethics (NOISE)
Allen Buchanan, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
Steven Berg, Judeo-Christian Lecture Series
Hille Paakunainen, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Dana Nelkin, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Stephen Palmquist, Judeo-Christian Lecture Series
Kit Wellman, Murphy Institute Public Lecture
John Heil, Lecture
Neil Sinababu, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Mark Schroeder, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
Jacob Howland, Judeo-Christian Lecture Series
The State of the Art in Moral Psychology Conference
Alastair Norcross, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar
J. David Velleman, Murphy Institute Faculty Seminar