Cory-Alice André-Johnson is a postdoctoral fellow in the African Studies Program. She specializes in socio-cultural anthropology, Madagascar, knowledge production, and decolonial studies. Her current project seeks to engage questions of anthropological knowledge production and its relation to legacies of colonialism and racialized othering, specifically in the context of the Malagasy women with whom she works. The ways of relating, communicating, and becoming that these women embody and practice resists and refuses an anthropological gaze still entrenched in confessional and reductive forms of knowing, or what Glissant calls "grasping." Building on Black Feminist Epistemologies, Diasporic and Indigenous theories, and Critical Race Theory, Dr. André-Johnson argues for a decolonial or anticolonial anthropological project that bases its methodological and theoretical practice in refusal, opacity, disorientation, and other forms of what she calls "not-knowing."