Ph.D., J.D. University of Michigan
Selected Publications
Harrington, Brooke and Camilo Arturo Leslie. 2023. “Toward A Multi-Level Sociology Of Fraud,” Symposium Issue (“Fraud and the Erosion of Public Trust”) of the Northwestern University Law Review. 118(1): 139-166.
Leslie, Camilo Arturo. 2022. "Hope Amid Crisis: Normative Ambiguity, the Middle Class, and Investment Fraud in 2000s Venezuela." Latin-American Politics & Society. 64(4), 70-93.
Leslie, Camilo Arturo. 2022. "Recovering 'Lay Ignorance' in the Stanford Financial Group Ponzi Scheme." Social Forces 100(4): 1752-1773.
Leslie, Camilo Arturo. 2016. "Territoriality, Map-mindedness, and the Politics of Place." Theory and Society 45(2): 169-201.
- Sociology of Law (SOCI 2101)
- Sociological Theory (SOCI 3220)
- Sociology of Fraud and White-Collar Crime (SOCI 6012)