Selected Publications
Adams, Michele. 2018. “Gender Inequality in Families.” Pp. 351-364 in B.J. Risman, C.M. Froyum, and W.J. Scarborough (eds.), Handbook of the Sociology of Gender, 2nd Edition. Springer.
Starr, Emily, and Michele Adams. 2016. “The Domestic Exotic: Mail-Order Brides and the Paradox of Globalized Intimacies.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 41(4):953-975.
Chen, Xiaojin, Lisa Thrane, and Michele Adams. 2012. “Precursors of Running Away During Adolescence: Do Peers Matter?” Journal of Research on Adolescence 22(3):487-497.
Adams, Michele. 2011. "Is Family A Moral Capital Resource for Female Politicians? The Case of ABC's Commander in Chief." Media, Culture, and Society 33(2):223-241.
Chen, Xiaojin, and Michele Adams. 2010. “Are Teen Delinquent Abstainers Social Introverts? A Test of Moffitt’s Theory.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 47(4):439-468.
Pyke, Karen, and Michele Adams. 2010. "What's Age Got to Do With It? A Case Study Analysis of Power and Gender in Husband-Older Marriages." Journal of Family Issues 31(6):748-777.
Tsunokai, Glenn T., Augustine Kposowa, and Michele Adams. 2009. "Racial Preferences in Internet Dating: A Comparison of Four Birth Cohorts." The Western Journal of Black Studies 33(1):1-15.
Adams, Michele. 2009. "Engendering Family Past: 19th Century Pro-Family Discourse through a Feminist Historical Lens." Pp. 234-248 in S.A. Lloyd, A. Few, & K. Allen (eds.), Handbook of Feminist Family Studies. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Coltrane, Scott, and Michele Adams. 2008. Gender and Families, 2nd edition. Gender Lens Series. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Adams, Michele. 2007. "Women's Rights and Wedding Bells: 19th Century Pro-Family Rhetoric and (Re)Enforcement of the Gender Status Quo." Journal of Family Issues 28(4): 501-528.
Gender; family; culture; family and marriage promotion movements; rights discourse and legislation; social policy; Title IX; discourse analysis; social theory.
I am currently working on two primary strands of research. The first, which continues my long-term interest in the intersection of gender, culture, and family, engages with the social history of family and marriage promotion movements and how these movements are driven by shifts in the national gender order. This line of research includes continuing development of the concept of moral capital as a gendered political and social resource. The second strand of my research extends my interest in gender and culture into the arena of rights, specifically rights legislation and the cultural and political discourse that circumscribes rights-based social policy. This latter avenue of my research is presently focused on Title IX and the multifaceted discourse of rights that has guided its implementation over the past half century.
- Sociology of Family (SOCI 1030)
- Social Theory (SOCI 3220)
- Issues in Sociology of Family (SOCI 6200)
- Philanthropy and Social Change (SLAM 3060)
- CCC Theory I (CCCC 7100)
- CCC Theory II (CCCC 7150)
- CCC Teaching Seminar (CCCC 7700)
- Femininity and Popular Culture (MLAR 7195)
- Masculinities (MLAR 7132)
- Culture and the Politics of Marriage (MLAR 7133)
- Gender, Culture, and Families (MLAR 7400)