Wei Long joined the Department of Economics at Tulane University in 2015. He received a MA in statistics from Columbia University (2010) and Ph.D. in economics from Texas A&M University (2015). His main teaching area is econometrics. His research interests are in applied economics with a concentration on the economics of crime, and econometrics with a concentration on financial econometrics. His works have been published in journals including Journal of Econometrics, Econometric Theory, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of the American Statistical Association, and Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
- Economics of crime
- Financial econometrics
Selected Publications
- Testing the Predictability of U.S. Housing Price Index Returns Based on an IVX-AR Model, jointly with Bingduo Yang, Liang Peng and Zongwu Cai, Journal of the American Statistical Association (Forthcoming).
- How does Oversight Affect Police? Evidence from the Police Misconduct Reform, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 168 (2019), 94-118.
- Detecting Financial Data Dependent Structure by Averaging Mixture Copula, jointly with Guannan Liu, Xinyu Zhang, and Qi Li, Econometric Theory, 35 (2019), 777 - 815.
- Improving Police Services: Evidence from the French Quarter Task Force, jointly with Cheng Cheng, Journal of Public Economics, 164, 1 - 18 (lead article).
- Testing Error Serial Correlation in Fixed Effects Nonparametric Panel Data Model, jointly with Carl Green and Cheng Hsiao, Journal of Econometrics 188 (2), 42 - 45.