Antonio N. Bojanic is a Senior Professor of Practice with primary research interests in applied macroeconomics, economic development, and epidemiological modeling. Before joining the economics department at Tulane, he was a public servant in his native Bolivia and a development consultant for the World Bank, the UK Department for International Development (DFID), and the InterAmerican Development Bank (IADB). A highlight of his former life as a development specialist is having led a World Bank-DFID funded program on reducing administrative barriers to investment in Sierra Leone.
- Applied macroeconomics
- Development economics, emphasis on Latin American development
- Economic history
- Epidemiological modeling
Selected Publications
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2019. Evolution of the Bolivian Economy, Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, Second Edition, 2019. Print and electronic versions
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2019. An Overview of Financial Crises Around the World, San Diego, California: Cognella Inc., First edition.
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2013. Evolution of the Bolivian Economy: A Time-Series Approach, Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 1st Edition. Print and electronic versions.
Journal articles:
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2021. Accounting for the Trump factor in modeling the Covid-19 epidemic: the case of Louisiana. Big Data and Information Analytics 6, 74-85.
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2021.A Markov-Switching model of Inflation in Bolivia, Economies 9 (1), 37
Bojanic, N., Antonio and Alejandro Jordán. 2020. Modeling the COVID-19 epidemic in Bolivia, Big Data & Information Analytics, 5(1), 47-57.
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2020. Wavering between Neoliberalism and Populism: An Empirical Analysis of the South American Experience, 1990-2015, Sociology International Journal, 4:4, pp. 112-122.
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2020. The Empirical Evidence on the Determinants of Fiscal Decentralization, Revista Finanzas y Política Económica, 12:1. (pre-publication version)
Bojanic, N., Antonio and LaPorchia Collins. 2019. Differential Effects of Decentralization on Income Inequality: Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries, Empirical Economics (pre-publication version)
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2018. The Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Growth, Inflation, and Inequality in the Americas, Cepal Review, 124, pp. 57-77.
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2018. El Efecto de la Eescentralización Fiscal Sobre el Crecimiento, la Inflación y la Desigualdad en América, Revista Cepal, 124, pp. 61-84.
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2018. The Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Accountability, Economic Freedom, and Political and Civil Liberties in the Americas, Economies, 6:1, 8.
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2015. Crowding Out Private Investment in Bolivia: Evidence for the 1988-2010 Period, Latin American Research Review, 50:3, pp. 225-244.
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2015. An Analysis of Abortion Patterns for White and Non-White Women in the United States, 1973 to 2008, Journal of Policy Practice, 14:1, pp. 58-75.
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2014. The Effect of Coca and FDI on the Level of Corruption in Bolivia, Latin American Economic Review, 23:11.
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2013. The Composition of Public Expenditures and Economic Growth in Bolivia, Latin American Journal of Economics, 50:1, pp. 83-105.
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2013. Testing the Validity of Wagner’s Law in Bolivia: A Cointegration and Causality Analysis, Economic Analysis Review (Revista de Análisis Económico), 28:1, pp. 25-45.
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2013. Inflación e Incertidumbre Inflacionaria en Bolivia, El Trimestre Económico, Vol. LXXX (2), number 318, pp. 401-426.
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2012. The Impact of Financial Development and Trade on the Economic Growth of Bolivia, Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. XV, No. 1, pp. 51-70.
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2011. Final Years of the Silver Standard in Mexico: Evidence of Purchasing Power Parity with the United States, História Econômica & História de Empresas, Vol. XIV.1, pp. 5-34.
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2010. Evidence of Purchasing Power Parity in Silver-Backed Mexico and India, Australian Economic History Review, 50:3, pp. 306-320.
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2009. The Impact of Tin on the Economic Growth of Bolivia, Coyuntura Económica, 39:2, pp. 171-183.
Bojanic, N., Antonio. 2008. Inflation in Post-Conflict Countries: The Case of Sierra Leone, Atlantic Economic Journal, 36:4, pp. 501-502.
Bojanic, N., Antonio, Steven B., Caudill, and Jon M., Ford. 2002. Small-Sample Properties of ML, COLS and DEA Estimators of Frontier Models in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity: A Reply to Banker, Chang, and Cooper, European Journal of Operational Research, 136:2, pp. 469-469.
Bojanic, N., Antonio, Steven B., Caudill, and Jon M., Ford. 1998. Small-Sample Properties of ML, COLS, and DEA Estimators of Frontier Models in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity, European Journal of Operational Research, 108:1, pp. 140-148.
Bojanic, N., Antonio and Steven B., Caudill. 1992. The Demand for Bolivian Tin, Atlantic Economic Journal, 20:4, pp. 88.