International Grants and Awards
- Co-Director, Academic Exchange Program between State Engineering University of Armenia, Grambling State University, and Southern University at New Orleans (NISCUPP, USA)
- Coordinator, “Establishing a Business Curriculum for SEUA in Partnership with Grambling State University, Southern University at New Orleans and Southern University at Baton Rouge” (UNCF SP, USA)
- Core Business Consultant, “University-Industry Liaison Center,” conducted in collaboration with Higher Engineering School of Marseille, France, and Polytechnic University of Athens, Greece (TEMPUS-TACIS, European Union)
- Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence at Southern University and A&M College, Baton Rouge
- National Consultant to the Study Team of Japan International Cooperation Agency in the Intergovernmental Program: “The Study on Master Plan for Development of the Private Sector in Armenia"
- Advisor to the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Armenia on industrial policy issues
- Comparative economic systems
- International management
- Transition economies
- Managerial economics
- Microeconomics