Chelsea Stieber (Ph.D. New York University) specializes in nineteenth-century Caribbean literature, history, and culture with an emphasis on Haiti. Her research engages local print culture; the relationship between literature and politics; ideas of freedom, rights, and republicanism; and Black Atlantic thought. She is the author of Haiti’s Paper War: Post-Independence Writing, Civil War, and the Making of the Republic, 1804–1954 (New York University Press, 2020) and co-editor with Brandon R. Byrd of the critical translation of Louis-Joseph Janvier’s Haiti for the Haitians (Liverpool University Press, 2023). Her scholarship and essays have appeared in academic journals including Small Axe, Francosphères, French Studies, the Haitian Historical Review and the Journal of Haitian Studies, and digital platforms such as Africa is a Country, The Abusable Past (RHR), and Public Books. She is currently working on two book projects. The first is an exploration of writing from free people of color in the Antilles during the period of general emancipation and its aftermath. The second is a project on Caribbean Fascism, for which she was awarded an ACLS fellowship. Stieber is associate editor for the journal Nineteenth-Century French Studies.
Recent Publications
- “Haïti farà da se: French Third Republican Colonial Universalism and Louis Joseph Janvier’s Haitian Autonomy,” in Haiti for the Haitians, Brandon R. Byrd and Chelsea Stieber, eds. (Liverpool University Press, 2023): 163–185.
- “The Heritage of Haitian Combat Writing in Félix Darfour’s L’Eclairieur haytien and L’Avertisseur Haytien,” Revue d’Histoire Haïtienne/Haitian History Review 1.3 (2023): 381–410.
- “Mémoire and Vindicationism in Revolutionary Saint-Domingue,” Small Axe 67 (2022): 30–54.
- “Guerre Civile et origines de la littérature haïtienne,” Revue de la Société Haïtienne d’Histoire, de Géographie et de Géologie 267–274 (2022): 227–247.
- “Camelots du roi ou rouges: The Polarization of Early Twentieth-Century Haitian Periodicals,” Contemporary French Civilization 45.1 (2020): 47–69.
- With Laura Wrubel and Watson Denis, “Cross-Boundary Digital Collaboration as Scholarly and Institutional Experimentation: Amplifying the Impact of Caribbean Periodicals,” archipelagos 4 (2020).