Graduate Placement and Dissertations

Graduate Student Placement Since 2000

  • 2024, Trevor Griffith (PhD 2024), Visiting Assistant Professor, Tulane University.
  • 2024, Nicolas Allmaier (PhD 2024), Visiting Assistant Professor, Tulane University.
  • 2024, April Olsen (PhD 2024), Visiting Faculty, St. John's College, Santa Fe.
  • 2024, Allen Ray (PhD 2023), Ogden Honor's College Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, LSU.
  • 2023, Gabrielle Stanton Ray (PhD 2022), Ogden Honors College Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, LSU (Previous: Religious Studies Post-Doctorial Fellow, Tulane University)
  • 2023, Jonathan Eng (PhD 2022), Visiting Instructor, Dept of English and Philosophy, Arkansas State University
  • Maura Cowen (ABD), Predoctoral Fellowship, Civitas Institute, UT-Austin
  • 2023, Caner Turan (PhD 2022), Assistant Professor, American University of Beirut (Previous: Visiting Assistant Professor, Tulane University).
  • 2023, Siobhain Lash (PhD 2022), Professor of Practice, West Virginia University.
  • 2023, Nathan Biebel (PhD 2019), Post-Doctorial Researcher, Jagiellonian University (Previous: Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Vienna).
  • 2022, Daniel Tigard (PhD 2018), Assistant Professor, University of San Diego (Previous: Postdoctoral Fellow in the HumTec Center at RWTH Aachen University).
  • 2022, Chara Kokkiou (PhD 2022), Visiting Assistant Professor, Tulane University.
  • 2022, Keir Willet (PhD 2022), Visiting Assistant Professor, St. Michael's College.
  • 2022, Daniel Dzah (PhD 2022), Policy Analyst.
  • 2022, Franklin Worrell (PhD 2022), Software Development Supervisor, Intralox.
  • 2022, Derek Duplessie, tenure-track position, Assumption College (Previous, 2019: Visiting Instructor, Clemson University Department of Political Science; 2018: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Harvard University Department of Government).
  • 2022, Jesse Hill (PhD 2019), Research Assistant Professor, Lingnan University.
  • 2022, Michael Falgoust (PhD 2012), Privacy Strategic Program Manager at Facebook (Previous: Technology Ethicist, Google).
  • 2021, Sophy Wang (PhD 2007), Manager and Senior Vice President, Citi Global Crimes Investigation and Intelligence.
  • 2021, Charlie Gustafson-Barrett (PhD 2018), tenure-track position, St. John's College, Santa Fe (Previous, 2018: Visiting Faculty, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio).
  • 2021, April Olsen (PhD 2023), visiting position, St. John's College, Santa Fe.
  • 2021, Zachary Calhoun (PhD 2020), English Lecturer, Iowa State University.
  • 2020, Gwenda-lin Grewal (PhD 2010), Onassis Lecturer, The New School for Social Research (Previous, 2012: University of Dallas, Dept. of Classics; 2018, Visiting Assistant Professor, Vassar College; 2019, Blegen Research Fellow, Vassar College).
  • 2019, Jonny Anomaly (PhD 2011), Associate Director of the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Program, University of Pennsylvania (Previously, 2010: Senior Lecturer, Duke/UNC Chapel Hill Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Program).
  • 2019, Alexander Shaeffer (PhD 2018), Teacher, Great Hearts Academy-Northern Oaks, San Antonio, TX.
  • 2019, Alexandre Priou (PhD 2014), Instructor, Herbst Program in the Humanities, University of Colorado at Boulder (Previous, 2016: Visiting Assitant Professor, Kutztown University; 2014: Visiting Professor, Sarah Lawrence College).
  • 2019, Michael Madary (PhD 2007), Assisant Professor, University of the Pacific (Previous, 2018, Visiting Assisant Professor, Tulane University; 2010: Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Virtual Embodiment and Robotic Re-Embodiment (VERE), Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz).
  • 2018, Seth Appelbaum (PhD 2015), St. John's College in Santa Fe (tenure track) (Previous: Visiting Assistant Professor, Bellarmine College Philosophy Department).
  • 2018, Travis Mulroy (PhD 2016), Adjunct Instructor, Sacred Heart University, Connecticut (Previous: Visiting Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, Xavier University, Cincinnati).
  • 2018, Mary Townsend (PhD 2015), Assistant Professor, St. John's University, Queens, NY (Previous, 2016: Visiting Assistant Professor, Loyola University, New Orleans).
  • 2018, Nate Stout (PhD 2016), Postdoctoral Fellow, Tulane University School of Medicine Program for Medical Ethics and Human Values.
  • 2016, Paul Wilford (PhD 2016), Assistant Professor, Boston College Department of Political Science.
  • 2016, Sam Stoner (PhD 2014), Associate Professor, Assumption College (Previous, 2014: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Western Heritage and Philosophy, Carthage College).
  • 2016, Shane Courtland (PhD 2008), Director of the Center for Free Enterprise, West Virginia University (Previous, 2009: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, Merrimack College).
  • 2016, Tom Mulligan (PhD 2015), Postdoctoral Research Associate in Economic and Ethics, Georgetown University School of Business (Previous, 2015: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Political Theory Project, Brown University).
  • 2015, Gilberto Vargas-Gonzalez (PhD 2014), Assistant Professor, Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.
  • 2015, Christopher (Todd) Meredith (PhD 2013), Assistant Professor, Southwest Tennessee Community College.
  • 2015, Lamont Rodgers (PhD 2013), Full-time Instructor of Philosophy, Houston Community College.
  • 2015, Andrea Houchard (PhD 2015), Assistant Professor of Practice, Northern Arizona University.
  • 2013, Joshua Lott (PhD 2012), Visiting Assistant Professor, Loyola University, New Orleans.
  • 2011, Shawn Welnak (PhD 2011), Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, C. W. Post College.
  • 2009, Bill Glod (PhD 2008), Philosophy Program Officer, Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University.
  • 2007, Drew Chastain (PhD 2003) Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, Xavier Univ., N.O.
  • 2006, Julinna Oxley (PhD 2006), Assistant Professor, Coastal Carolina University.
  • 2005, Paul Haught (PhD 2004), Associate Professor and Dean of Rose School of Arts, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, TN.
  • 2004, Matthew Oberrieder (PhD 2004), Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Villanova University.
  • 2003, Andrew Pavelich (PhD 1999), University of Houston.
  • 2002, Jason Tipton (PhD 2003), St. John's College, Annapolis.
  • 2002, Desheng Zong (PhD 1998), Utica College.
  • 2000, Michael Golluber (PhD 1998), St. John's College, Santa Fe


Recent Dissertations

A complete list of Tulane Philosophy PhD dissertations and MA theses.

Trevor Griffith"Phenomenological Perspectices on Scientific Rationalism and Its Consequences for Contemporary Thought"Richard Velkley
April Olsen"How to Divide an Audience: Reading Plato's Apology of Socrates with Aristotle's Art of Rhetoric"Ronna Burger
Nicolas Allmaier"Hamann: Analogy, Enlightenment, and Faith"Richard Velkley
Allen Ray"Political Rhetoric and Socratic Philosophy: A Study of Plato's Crito and Menexenus"Ronna Burger
Siobhain Lash"Popular Environmental Justice Questions: A Philosophical Evaluation"Chad Van Schoelandt
Kelly Martin"Hume's Passion for Philosophy: The Role of Curiosity in A Treatise of Human Nature"Richard Velkley
Gabrielle Stanton Ray"Appealing to Heaven: Conscience, Authority, and Moral Knowledge in the Political Philosophy of John Locke"Richard Velkley
Keir Willett"The Intertwining of Being and Non-Being: Plato's Sophist and Heidegger"Ronna Burger &
Richard Velkley
Chara Kokkiou"The Value of Compassion: A Comparative Study of Emotions in Aristotle and Rousseau"Richard Velkley
Jonathan Eng"Plato's Alcibades: An Education Towards Self-Knowledge"Ronna Burger
Aidan Watson"Prudence and Law: on Plato's Minos, Laws, and Statesman"Ronna Burger
Caner Turan"Kantian Constitutivism as an Alternative to Moral Realism"Oliver Sensen
Daniel Dzah"Immigration and New Philosophies of Inclusion"Chad Van Schoelandt
Franklin Worrell"Peeking Through Our Fingers: Theorizing Horror and Its Appeal Through Its Genres"Alison Denham
Aidan Watson"Prudence and Law: Plato's Minos, Laws, and Statesman"Ronna Burger
Eric Brown"The Offness of Blame: In Defense of Universal Standing"Dave Shoemaker
Marcus Hunt"Axiological and Normative Questions about Parenthood"Dave Shoemaker
Nicholas Sars"Revisiting ‘Freedom and Resentment’: Or, Responsibility without a Moral"Dave Shoemaker
Julian Katz"From the Just State to the Kingdom of Ends: Balancing Love and Respect in Kant"Richard Velkley
Zachary Calhoun"Metaphysica Naturalis: Kant on History and the Discipline of Reason"Richard Velkley
Keith Silverman"Phenomenology and the Return of Philosophy to Life"Richard Velkley
Daniel DeFranco"A History of Human Physiology and 17th -Century Philosophy: Descartes, Spinoza and the Current State of Neuroscience"Richard Velkley
Christopher Boom"Rules, Rights, and the Rule of Law"Eric Mack
Daniel Tigard"The Nature and Value of Moral Distress in Medical Practice"Dave Shoemaker
Alexander Shaeffer"Socratic Philosophy and the Aporia of Virtue: A Commentary on Plato's Meno"Ronna Burger
Alex Limanowski"Beyond Epicurus: A reading of Lucretius' De Rerum Natura"Ronna Burger
Nathan Biebel"The Justification Thesis: A Theory of Culpable Ignorance"Dave Shoemaker
Jesse Hill"On the Nature of Luck"Dave Shoemaker
Derek Duplessie"Cross-Examining Aristophanes: Plato's Defense of Socrates"Ronna Burger
Charlie Gustafson-Barrett"The Idiot Soul of Wit: On the Genius of Hamlet and Ion"Ronna Burger
Paul Wilford"The Duality of Geist: Political and Theological Intersubjectivity in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit"Richard Velkley
Nathan Stout"Moral Agency and Responsibility: Lessons from Autism Spectrum Disorder"Dave Shoemaker
Travis Mulroy"Delusions of Grandeur: The Interpretation of Plato's Hippias Major"Ronna Burger
Daniel Davenport"On the Good of Justice in Plato's Republic"Ronna Burger
Mary Townsend"Plato's Republic V: The Problem of Women and Philosophy"Ronna Burger
Seth Appelbaum"Divine Law in Plato and Maimonides"Ronna Burger
Tom Mulligan"The Just and Meritocratic State"Eric Mack
Sam Stoner"On Kant's Philosophical Authorship"Richard Velkley
Shane Gassaway"Socrates the Citizen Philosopher in Plato and in Xenophon"Ronna Burger
Andrea Houchard"A Place for Public Philosophy: Reviving a Practice"Eric Mack
Alexandre Priou"The Genesis of Political Philosophy: On Plato's Parmenides"Ronna Burger
Gilberto Vargas-Gonzalez"On Philosophical Counseling as a Philosophical Caretaking Practice"Ronna Burger
Lamont Rodgers"Self-Ownership an Historical Entitlement: An Examination of G.A. Cohen's Critique"Eric Mack
Christopher Meredith"Global Kleptocracy and the Sovereign State: an Anti-Statist Response to Thomas Pogge on the Injustice of the Present World Order"Eric Mack
Jean-Paul Orgeron“Language, Perception, and Space”Radu Bogdan
Michael Falgoust“Freeing the Culture, Freeing the Self: An Intellectual Property Rights Argument”Bruce Brower
Joshua Lott"The Rationality of Teleology: Purposiveness and the Concept of the Human in Kant, Rousseau, and Hume"Richard Velkley
Shawn Welnak"Philosophy and The Cave of Opinion: The Graeco-Arabic Tradition"Ronna Burger
Jennifer Beers"Socrates Confronts Aristophanes in Plato's Symposium"Ronna Burger
Gwenda-lin Grewal"On Plato's Euthydemus"Ronna Burger
Hans Gruenig"Heidegger, Death, and Personal Transformation"Michael Zimmerman
Shane Courtland"Hobbesian Public Reason"Eric Mack
William Glod"Liberalism's Case against Legal Paternalism"Eric Mack
Quian (Sophy) Wang"John Rawls on Human Rights"Bruce Brower
Michael Madary"The Perspectival Content of Perception"Radu Bogdan
Julinna Oxley"A Theory of Benevolence"Jerry Gaus
Jonny Anomaly"An Internalist Theory of Practical Reason"Jerry Gaus
Matthew Oberrieder"The Significance of Socrates' Quotations of Homer in Plato's Protagoras"Ronna Burger
Drew Chastain"Interpreting Metaphor"Graeme Forbes