Christina Kiel studies conflict, mediation, international diplomacy, and transnational advocacy.
She earned a Ph.D. in political science at the University of New Orleans. Her dissertation considers if and how non-state actors’ conflict management efforts can affect conflict dynamics like duration, outcome, and severity.
Christina teaches courses in international and civil conflict, international cooperation, and peace studies. She is the Political Science Department Advisor for PSIR majors (and some POLS) as well as the Internship Advisor.
Christina is originally from Germany and served 10 years in the German Diplomatic Corps, including in Israel, Belarus, and at the United Nations in New York.
- POLI3530 - Engaging the United Nations
- POLI3550 - Conflict Management in the Arab-Israeli Conflict
- POLI4510 - Women and War
- POLI 4670 Politics of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
- POLI3360 - Politics of Civil Wars
- POLA4300 - Interest Group Politics
- POLI2500 - International Relations
- POLI3630 - Causes and Prevention of Int'l War
- POLI4310 - Peace Studies and Conflict Management