With over a decade in the communications profession with emphasis on strategic planning, coordinating, and implementing news media coverage, public relations, employee and customer information programs and administrative processes, Rosalind Blanco Cook pitched story ideas to local, national and international media outlets, which resulted in favorable coverage in numerous print publications, such as USA Today, the New York Times, the Boston Globe, the LA Times as well as segments on the NBC Nightly News, the Today Show, Good Morning America, FOX News, CBS Early Show, CNN and NPR. Rosalind placed into operation a communications plan for the post-Katrina restructuring of public transportation for the Regional Transit Authority in the City of New Orleans. Rosalind worked in communications during the mayoral administration of Marc Morial and C. Ray Nagin. She has also taught political science courses at Tulane University, Loyola University, Dillard University, Xavier University, and the University of New Orleans.
- POLA4120 - Louisiana Politics
- POLA2100 - American Government