Josh-Wade Ferguson, Tulane University

Josh-Wade Ferguson

Research Specialist


Josh-Wade facilitates research and programming activities for the Tulane Global Humanities Research Center, an interdisciplinary research initiative directed by the Dean of the School of the Liberal Arts. Josh-Wade is responsible for a range of key functions, including research, publications, event planning, grant applications, and administration.

Josh-Wade joined the Tulane Global Humanities Research Center in 2024. He has an events management background and has worked with some of the nation’s leading authors. Josh-Wade also brings ten years of experience in higher education. His academic writing can be found in the Journal of Popular Culture, the Global South, Approaches to Teaching the Works of Cormac McCarthy (MLA), Swamp Souths: Literary and Cultural Ecologies, and the New Ohio Review Online.

Josh-Wade is originally from Saskatchewan, Canada and remains a Saskatchewan Roughriders fan, for better or worse.