Fields of Study: Archaeology of Mesoamerica, especially the Maya area, with field research in El Salvador (Quelepa), Guatemala (Seibal), Honduras (Copan), and Yucatan (Dzibilchaltun, Komchen).
Dr. Andrews received his PhD from Tulane University in 1971. His analytical specialties include ceramics, architecture, households, and settlement patterns. He studies the spread and diversification of Formative settlement in eastern Mesoamerica, with emphasis on early ceramics, and relationships between the Maya and Olmec during the Middle Formative. He did excavations in the 1990s in a residential group in the royal compound at Copan, focusing on diversity and spatial integration of elite segments of Maya society. Dr. Andrews' analysis and publication of the Copan project continues.
Selected Publications:
Andrews, E. Wyllys
2014 El colapso maya. Historia General de Yucatán, Volume 1, La civilización maya yucateca, edited by Sergio Quezada, Fernando Robles Castellanos, and Anthony P. Andrews, pp. 277-297. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico.
Andrews, E. Wyllys, and William L. Fash (editors)
2005 Copán: The History of an Ancient Maya Kingdom. School of American Research Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Andrews, Anthony P., E. Wyllys Andrews, and Fernando Robles Castellanos
2003 The Northern Maya Collapse and its Aftermath. Ancient Mesoamerica 14:151–156.
Andrews, E. Wyllys, and Barbara W. Fash
1992 Continuity and Change in a Royal Maya Residential Complex at Copan. Ancient Mesoamerica 3:63–88.
Andrews, E. Wyllys
1990 The Early Ceramic History of the Lowland Maya. In Vision and Revision in Maya Studies, edited by Flora S. Clancy and Peter D. Harrison, pp. 1–19. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
Ringle, William M., and E. Wyllys Andrews
1988 Formative Residences at Komchen, Yucatan, Mexico. In Household and Community in the Mesoamerican Past, edited by Richard R. Wilk and Wendy Ashmore, pp. 171–197. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
Sabloff, Jeremy A., and E. Wyllys Andrews (editors)
1986 Late Lowland Maya Civilization: Classic to Postclassic. University of New Mexico Press, School of American Research Advanced Seminar Series, Albuquerque.
Andrews, E. Wyllys
1981 Dzibilchaltun. In Supplement to the Handbook of Middle American Indians, Vol. l, Archaeology, edited by Victoria R. Bricker and Jeremy A. Sabloff, pp. 313–341. University of Texas Press, Austin.
Andrews, E. Wyllys, IV, and E. Wyllys Andrews V
1980 Excavations at Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico. Middle American Research Institute, Publication 48. Tulane University, New Orleans.
Andrews, E. Wyllys
1976 The Archaeology of Quelepa, El Salvador. Middle American Research Institute, Publication 42. Tulane University, New Orleans.