Professor Verano received his B.A. with Distinction in anthropology from Stanford University in 1977, and his M.A. (1980) and Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of California Los Angeles in 1987. He is a biological anthropologist who specializes in human skeletal anatomy, paleopathology, bioarchaeology, and forensic anthropology. His primary research area is Andean South America, with a focus on prehistoric populations of coastal and highland Peru. Specific research interests include pathology in ancient skeletal and mummified remains, trepanation and other ancient surgery, warfare, human sacrifice, and mortuary practices. In addition to his South American research, Professor Verano provides consultation in forensic anthropology, assisting local, state, and federal law enforcement, coroners, and medical examiners in recovering, identifying and interpreting human skeletal remains from medico-legal contexts.