Linda Shkreli Facing Camera in Brown and Red Polka Dotted Dress

Linda Shkreli

Norman Mayer 202


B.A. English Literature/International Relations, Michigan State University, 1998
M.A. English Language and Literature, Eastern Michigan University, 2003
Ph.D. Communications Studies, Louisiana State University, 2011


Linda A. Shkreli holds a Ph.D. in Communication Studies from Louisiana State University, with an area focus in performance studies. Her current research interests include designing performance-based strategies for the writing classroom, interdisciplinary oral history applications, and the crossroads of artist-academic identities.

Her recent conference presentations include Scripted Translations: Decoding the Essay through Mediated Design” for the 2020 Association for Theatre in Higher Education Virtual Conference; and “Louisiana Coastal and Cultural Preservation: An Oral History Perspective” for the 2019 Annual Louisiana Studies Conference. She is the author of the essay Nature Mandalas: Performance Practice and Narrative Metaphor,” and co-author of “FEMAture Evacuation: A Parade.”

In addition to teaching writing and performance, she has trained, written, and performed for workshops and festivals in New Orleans, Chicago, Los Angeles, Honolulu, and Berlin. She is currently working on a photo-poetry collage inspired by psychogeography and the lyrical landscapes of New Orleans.


Performance pedagogy; performance composition and devised theater; literary adaptation for the stage; oral communication; creative non-fiction; writing across the curriculum


  • First Year Writing
  • Memoir Writing
  • Freshman Honors Colloquium: Metacognition
  • Performance of Literature
  • Performance, Language, and Cultural Studies
  • Rhetorical Discourse
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Public Speaking