A liberal arts education provides candidates with a breadth of knowledge in multiple disciplines, which makes them well-versed and enables them to adapt to a variety of career opportunities.
Our highest performing investment teams are always characterized by the collaborative efforts of individuals that are skilled in research and analysis, creative inquiry, and, most importantly, critical thinking. These attributes enhance our understanding and knowledge of any specialty and are hallmarks of the liberal arts. We have frequently hired liberal arts graduates for our investment and business teams because rigorous analysis and discussion are essential to our success. And, as the evolution in the nature of work ac- celerates, critical thinking and clear communication are becoming even more valuable.
I hire graduates of liberal arts programs because they are curious, interdisciplinary thinkers. They know how to reason, write, and argue. They are lifelong learners who work well with people from different academic disciplines and are able to see patterns in vast amounts of information and draw conclusions that summarize and synthesize complex arguments.
Our world has never been more complex, and it has never changed more rapidly. Liberal arts graduates absorb new information quickly, make sense of it, and effectively communicate to different audiences. They are curious and question everything. They are capable storytellers. These are the traits required to be a great lawyer.
We can count on candidates with liberal arts degrees to produce creative solutions to our organization’s most difficult challenges because they effectively and thoroughly analyze complex issues, information, and data. To top it off, candidates with liberal arts degrees communicate clearly, concisely, and constructively, and are able to do so in a manner that aligns with broad and diverse audiences.”