Eye of Newt: A Collaborative Creation
Three SLA faculty are leading a collaborative endeavor creating "Eye of Newt," a short comedic film series developed by students in the Department of Theatre and Dance and the Digital Media Production program.

Honoring Great Men in African Linguistics
Professor of anthropology and director of linguistics Ọlanikẹ Ọla Orie shares details on her two new Festschrifts honoring important Yoruba and African linguists.

Glass and Gavel: Analyzing Alcohol and the Supreme Court
Professor Nancy Maveety explores the connections among constitutional law, alcohol regulation, and Supreme Court justices in her new book Glass and Gavel.

Bridging a Love for Art, Fashion, and Technology
SLA alumna Jacqueline Wladis shares her meaningful experiences in the History of Art program in advance of the fifth lecture in the Wladis Seminar on Curatorial Careers on Nov. 8.

Shifting Ideologies
As the midterm elections approached, four professors in the Department of Political Science shared insight on the inner workings of the Supreme Court with students and members of the Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Chapter.
Catching Up with Dean Edwards
This week Dean Edwards reflects on his time visiting with SLA alumni, parents, and supporters and the momentum building as we approach Tulane's Homecoming-Reunion Weekend.

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