This Devil's for Burning

Antigua devil.

What does one do on December 7th? In the United States, we commemorate the attack on Pearl Harbor, which cost the lives of 2400 people and assured our entry into the war of the Pacific. In Guatemala, people celebrate the Quema del Diablo, "Burning of the Devil". This celebration symbolizes the constant combat of good vs. evil, with the, sadly temporary, victory going to "good" here as the Devil goes up in flames.

For the past few days, folks have been house-cleaning. Combustibles, usually paper and dry foliage, have been piled together and, in the early evening, are burned at the curb in front of the house, thereby cleaning the house physically and symbolically, readying it for the Christmas season. Tomorrow is the festival of the Conception. Cleanliness, if not purity, thus heralds the "immaculate" conception.

The Antigua devil, pictured here, has been gracing the fountain area in front of the ruins of the Convent of the Immaculate Conception for the past two weeks, gathering up the sins of the city. You may not be able to see from the photo, but the "demon" rum or "aguardiente" accessorizes this devil. The devil went up in smoke at 6 p.m.

Welcome to the Christmas Season!