Liberal Arts Students Share Photos of Global Summer Experiences
This summer Liberal Arts students embarked on transformative experiences around the globe from Vietnam, to India, and Washington D.C. View the album from their trips, which includes photographs like the one above of students during their course based in Hanoi, Vietnam. Students on this trip worked closely with locals in the Nao Binh village, learning firsthand about globalization through service learning activities.

Multimedia Journalism on an International Stage
During a three-week summer course on multimedia journalism and international relations, students developed an interactive feature for the prestigious Center for Strategic and International Studies' website. Senior Natalie Strauber shares more about the experience.

Philosophy, Public Service, and Yoga in India
Sixteen students spent a month on an informative and inspirational summer trip to India where they met the Dalai Lama and other visionary leaders. Read more about the Tulane Himalayan Experience Program in an account by senior Elise Genoux.
School of Liberal Arts Welcomes New Dean
Brian T. Edwards joined Tulane as the new dean of the School of Liberal Arts this July, appointing Professors Holly Flora and Vicki Mayer to new associate dean positions.

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