Student Clubs

Tulane Anthropology Club

The purpose of  Tulane's Anthropology Club (TAC) is to provide was a space for students to learn more about the field of anthropology and its numerous applications. The club seeks to provide the student body with holistic, anthropological, and global perspectives and to promote anthropological interests and awareness. TAC serves as a resource for anthropology and non-anthropology majors alike and strives to make the anthropology department at Tulane more accessible to the wider student body. The club meets regularly and also takes field trips to museums and archaeological sites, hosts guest lecturers, has a book club, & more! Email the club's representatives for more information.

Lambda Alpha

Lambda Alpha is the National Collegiate Honor Society for Anthropology. It encourages and recognizes excellence in undergraduate scholarly endeavors, and, through its Lambda Alpha Journal, publishes outstanding student papers as well as general anthropology news, announcements, and articles by practicing professionals. Each year one graduating senior nationwide is awarded a $5,000 scholarship. In 2005, Tulane Anthropology's Eliza Wethey, who founded our local Beta Chapter, won this national recognition. More recently, Nelle Kulick (TU 2020) was awarded this honor for a research paper on primate color vision. Interested in becoming a member? Contact Dr. Nicole Katin, the faculty sponsor for the Beta Chapter, for more details and to join.

Brown Bags

Undergraduate students are able to attend MARI Brown Bags. These seminars cover a wide variety of topics related to the archaeology, history and ethnography of Mesoamerica and other world areas and are held throughout the semester, typically at noon on Fridays, in DW 305.

Ling Lunch

Ling Lunch is a meeting time for students studying linguistics anthropology to join with those in the linguistics program, and other related programs and departments, to talk and learn more about linguistics related topics in a informal setting over lunch. Ling Lunch also provides a time for students and  faculty who are often very busy to make time to connect and socialize. Undergraduate students are welcome to participate.