Edo is a scholar of Japanese and Asian animation and transmedia cultures.
Their research examines the role of fan’s quotidian pedestrian mobility in the construction of transmedia environments, industries, and products. Edo is interested in the reconstruction of inclusive transmedia histories, looking at city space as point of convergence between diverse perspectives on animated media, storytelling, media production, and even activism.
Their current book project discusses the recent evolution of Japanese transmedia, media mix, in dialogue with the creative transmedia tensions emerging from the urban crossroads where women’s otaku cultures meet with LGBTQ+ media. The manuscript therefore explores the potential and limits of grassroots social movements’ inscription in transmedia industries.
Edo’s passion for mixing quotidian experience with high theory, fan methodologies with academic epistemologies, comes from a long experience collaborating with grassroots media communities in Japan, France, and Canada. Currently they are working on a new project recollecting the local, national, and regional recent history of LGBTQ+ video games in Asia.
Research Interests
- Animation and Anime Studies
- Transmedia Studies
- Film and Multimedia Industries
- Game Studies
- Queer Theory
- Fan Studies
Selected Publications
Journal Articles:
- ““I also eat the straights” Male Heterosexual Fandoms writing LGBTQ+ media history in Japan” Transformative Works and Cultures, Vol.32 (2022) https://doi.org/10.3983/twc.2022.2113
- "Imagining Diversity: Mapping the Potential and Limits of a Queer Otaku Theory." Mechademia 14, no. 2 (2022): 116-133. muse.jhu.edu/article/845495.
- “Crossmedia or where Anime, Games and Toys Collide: Level 5 and the Alternative History of Japanese Transmedia”, Replaying Japan, Vol.2 (2020): pp. 23-31.
- “Animer la ville : Les aventures urbaines du média mix de l’animation télévisuelle japonaise” La revue française des sciences de l’information et de la communication, Vol.18, (2020). https://doi.org/10.4000/rfsic.8194
- "Pedestrian Media Mix: The Birth of Otaku Sanctuaries in Tokyo." Mechademia 12, no. 2 (2020): 140-163. muse.jhu.edu/article/761077.
Book Chapters
- 「リサイクル文化としての「オタクの聖地」メディアミックス空間の生産、ポップフェミ ニズムと歩行者ポリティックス」 『運動としての大衆文化』水声社 2021
- 「第十章 選ぶ身体選ぶ性 クイア漫画に於ける主体性」 『 身体の大衆文化 描く・着る・歌う』Kadokawa 2021
- Co-authored with Marc Steinberg “Otaku Pedestrians” Wiley Companion to Media Fandom and Fan Studies Paul Booth, ed. Oxford, UK: Wiley Pub: 289-304. 2018.
Other publications
- “Introducing Queer Perspectives in Manga History: Sexy Still Images in the Art of Yamakawa Jun’ichi” Dôjin Journal, Vol.1 (2020): pp.15-26.
Edited Journal Issues
- Dôjin Journal, Vol. 1, Co-edited with Alvaro Hernandez Hernandez for the Nichibunken Institute. November 2020.
- “Animating LGBTQ+ Representations: Queering the Production of Movement” Synoptique: An Online Journal of Film and Moving Image Studies 9.1. Co-edited with Jacqueline Ristola and Kevin. J Cooley. April 2020