Student Awards

Joseph P. Mazzarella, The Glendy Burke Medal in Communication

The Glendy Burke Medal in Communication

Congratulations Joseph P. Mazzarella on being selected as the 2024 Glendy Burke Medal in Communication Award winner. This award is given to the student who best combines academic performance and contributions to community in the field of communication.

Many factors drew me to Tulane University; regardless of these I have fallen in love with the city of New Orleans and will always recall my time here. My journey has had ups and downs, joys and sorrows. Overall, I have learned so much. Profs. James Bliss and Ferruh Yilmaz have been particularly helpful, teaching me to think and write critically on ever- and increasingly-pertinent topics.

After graduation, I plan to put my critical skills to use for the pursuit of social justice. Right now, I am in between choosing to further my education at a number of universities in social work, entering formation for eventual ordination as a Catholic priest in the Congregation of the Mission - founded by St. Vincent de Paul - or pursuing a career in casework with older adults or families.

Congratulations Joseph! We are happy to recognize your exceptional record of excellence both in and out of the classroom, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

  • 2023 Recipient, Carlotta Murrin
  • 2022 Recipient, Lance Brunson
  • 2021 Recipient, Juan Alejandro Olarte-Cortés
Margo Lyons Lemoine, N. Frank Ukadike Award for Excellence in Media Studies

N. Frank Ukadike Award for Excellence in Media Studies

Margo Lyons is the 2024 recipient of the “N. Frank Ukadike Award for Excellence in Media Studies” This award is given to students based on the recommendation of the Communication faculty for excellence in Communication and Media Studies.

I started Tulane in the school of public health, not knowing much about the field but curious to learn about global health. However, my trajectory at Tulane took a turn in the second semester of my freshman year when I enrolled in Professor Ozcan’s “Gender and Media” class. I took this class right in the middle of the pandemic, so we were placed in a large and echoey room that made it hard to hear. Despite these barriers, I remember being enthralled by the topics, attempting to stretch my ears as much as I could to write down what stood out to me– which happened to be every other sentence. I didn’t know I was able to take classes like this in higher education and I wanted more! So, without any more knowledge of what exactly classes in this department entailed, I met with my academic advisor and declared my major as communications.

Ever since, I have learned how to effectively flex my writing and research skills, submitting papers on thrilling topics like gender roles in The Hunger Games, Planned Parenthood accessibility in New Orleans, and the manner in which Disney Channel stars departed from the Disney Company. The classes I took challenged me in what I considered to be my best academic area, pushing me to hone my abilities even more. I appreciate how my professors urged students to think outside the box, giving us the ability to choose popular or niche subjects that piqued our interest and analyze them with a critical eye.

I am currently in the process of applying and interviewing for a job post-graduation. I am looking all over the country, specifically in the field of public relations and/or media and entertainment where I can make telling stories my full-time job. I will forever be grateful for the support from Tulane’s Communications Department and the constructive criticism they have provided to help me grow as a writer, student, and leader.

Congratulations Margo! We are happy to recognize your exceptional record of excellence both in and out of the classroom, and we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

  • 2023 Recipient, Crawford Lemoine
  • 2022 Recipient, Avery Anderson
  • 2021 Recipient, Natalie Holderbaum
Kyra McDonough Geschke, Ashton Phelps Award Recipient

The Ashton Ashton Phelps Sr. Award

Kyra McDonough Geschke is the Communication Department’s 2024 Ashton Phelps Sr. Memorial Award Recipient. This award is given on recommendation of the faculty for excellence in communication studies.

When I came to Tulane, I was unsure, and a little nervous, about the trajectory of my studies. That changed in my freshman year, when I took first Communication courses. Almost immediately, my uncertainty vanished. These courses quickly sparked my interest and excitement, and gave me the confidence to showcase my talents and achieve success in the classroom. As I dove deeper into the curriculum, I realized that what I would learn as a Communication major would also apply to a diverse range of careers after graduation.

The Communication Department has been a highlight of my time at Tulane—it has helped me to identify my strengths while also pushing me to develop and broaden my skills. It should come as no surprise that my Communication courses have also made me a better communicator—a more critical thinker, lucid writer, and assured speaker. In addition, the Communication major has equipped me with excellent foundational knowledge and practical expertise related to my dream industry: entertainment. Through my coursework, I have become well-versed in media practices, the history and global impact of the U.S. entertainment industry, and the complex ways that media, technology, and society intersect.

As for my plans post-graduation, I am applying for marketing positions in the entertainment industry, and hoping to end up in New York or Los Angeles. Whatever comes next, I am grateful to Tulane and the Communication department for sparking my passion and preparing me to contribute meaningfully to this fascinating field.

Congratulations Kyra! We are happy to recognize your exceptional record of excellence both in and out of the classroom, and we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

  • 2023 Recipient, Billie Virgina Wyler
  • 2022 Recipient, Clara Lang
  • 2021 Recipient, Victoria Jordan