University of California, San Diego, Ph.D
Research Interests
- Discourse Analysis and Rhetorical Criticism
- Culturalization of Discourse
- The Role of Gender and Sexuality in the Debates on Immigration, War, and Islam
- Populism and Far Right
- The Production of Islam/West Distinction
Selected Publications
- “From Class Solidarity to Cultural Solidarity: Immigration, Crises, and the Populist Right.” In O’Neill, D. and Wayne, M (eds.): Considering Class: Theory, Culture and Media in the 21st Century. Leiden, NL: Brill Publishing, pp. 198-216, 2018
- How the Workers Became Muslim: Immigration, Culture, and Hegemonic Transformation in Europe. The University of Michigan Press, 2016.
- "Analyzing Variations and Stability in Discourse: hegemony, nation and Muslim immigrants". Journal of Language and Politics, 14(6), 2015.
- "From immigrant worker to Muslim immigrant: Challenges for feminism", European Journal of Women's Studies, 22(1): 37-52, 2015.
- Rhetorical Criticism
- Public Opinion and the Media
- The Politics of Immigration in Europe
- Media, Moral Panics and Crisis
- Science Fiction, Race and Sex