Graduate Program Fellowships and Prizes

Glendy Burke $5,000 English M.A. Program Tuition Fellowship

In the academic year 2025-26, the English Department’s Glendy Burke Fund allows for a $5,000 tuition scholarship for one continuing or newly entering graduate student enrolled full-time in its M.A. Program in English. Both external M.A. students and students entering the +1 year of the 4+1 program are eligible for this fellowship.

Applicants should be able to display an outstanding record of academic achievement and a demonstrated interest in Rhetoric (classical or cultural critical) and/or performance (including public speaking, drama, oral poetry, spoken word, storytelling, teaching, or other forms of public address).

Applicants should submit the following items: a résumé or curriculum vitae, a copy of their (undergraduate and/or graduate) transcript(s), and a two-page statement addressing academic interests and qualifications for the scholarship. Please email the materials to and by June 2, 2025.

Richard P. and Jean A. Adams Memorial Award

The English department annually awards this graduate student essay prize for the academic year's outstanding seminar paper.  Graduate instructors nominate essays for consideration each spring.