Distinguished NEH Grants Awarded to Liberal Arts Programs
The New Orleans Center for the Gulf South and the Department of Jewish Studies' Michael R. Cohen received two national grants this summer for distinctive programs they'll present next year.

In Memoriam: Professor N. Frank Ukadike
The School of Liberal Arts honors the life, achievements, and camaraderie of esteemed professor of communication, film studies, and africana studies.

A New Professor's Inclusive Approach to Economics
How can better roads reduce cycles of poverty? Department of Economics' Felix Rioja explores connections between economics and public infrastructure with students and colleagues.
Catching Up with Dean Edwards
"There are a lot of great stories to tell." Brian Edwards reflects on his first few months as dean of the School of Liberal Arts and the incredible research and accomplishments of the school.

Political Scientist Wins National Award for Gender Research
Associate Professor Mirya Holman received the Clarence Stone Scholar Award from the Urban and Local Politics Section of the American Political Science Association.

Where Divine Inspiration Meets the Human Imagination
Associate Professor of History F. Thomas Luongo shares insights from his year of research on manuscripts by female saints of the Middle Ages.
Archeologists Discover 1500-year-old Altar in Guatemala
Tulane's Middle American Research Institute Director Marcello A. Canuto co–led a team in the discovery of a new king of La Corona, a Classic Maya site of the Kaanul Dynasty.

102 Newcomb Hall • New Orleans, LA 70118