Message from the Dean - September 2017


Buzzing with Activity

Carole Haber, Tulane University
Dean Carole Haber, Professor of History

The surprisingly cool weather of mid-September in New Orleans is an undeniable reminder that the end of the summer is upon us. Even in the hottest of days, however, the faculty and students of SLA were engaged in amazing projects. They spanned the globe through special summer programs, internships, and fellowships. They brought the intellectual curiosity and knowledge with them whether they were engaged in studying Middle East peace, lecturing in Japan, cataloging sherds in Greece, or being immersed in the entertainment business.  

But as our students and faculty were engaged in projects often far from New Orleans, a prestigious NEH grant and the knowledge and skill of staff of the New Orleans Gulf South Center brought 70 teachers to campus to participate in two week-long workshops on New Orleans: Music, Culture and Civil Rights. Interacting with more than 30 artists, scholars, and community leaders, the teachers took away from the week the lessons that are so clear to us in SLA: New Orleans is not only a special city, but a wonderful platform for understanding the unique history of this region and the country.  

As the secondary teachers have now returned home, the campus is once again a buzz of activity as we welcome our new faculty as well as our largest and most academically prepared class of freshman. As evident at our SLA Open House, these students were not only excited to be here, but amazed by the school’s 47 majors and 41 minors. We are sure that they will take advantage of all that we offer as they explore the arts, humanities, and social sciences. And although we saw a few tears in the eyes of parents as they said their final good-bye, we hope that they too will remain in touch with us through our newsletter and emails. We welcome you all to Tulane and to the amazing community that is the School of Liberal Arts.

View a photo album of 2017 summer Activities submitted by students and faculty