A Studio in the Woods Faculty Fellowship Application

Liberal Arts Sponsored Residencies at A Studio in the Woods

The School of Liberal Arts Dean’s Office is pleased to continue its highly successful program that offers faculty space to pursue their research and creative endeavors in a retreat setting. Since 2020-21 academic year, we have partnered with A Studio in the Woods to award short residencies for SLA faculty each academic year. These residencies provide time and space for faculty in a beautiful, secluded setting, a 25-minute drive from New Orleans.

In 2024-25, we expanded the kinds of residencies, both to allow for individualized research and creative endeavors and to encourage collaborative work. We will sponsor in the upcoming academic year residencies in two categories:

One-week Residencies for individuals: We seek proposals for scholarly and creative projects that would benefit from a week-long retreat. Project narratives should make the case for the project’s current status and how a concentrated week of work would advance it towards completion. These residencies typically take place from Monday to Sunday.

Collaboration Labs: Proposals may come from 2 people applying to spend up to a week working on a joint project. Examples of collaborative lab projects include writing a grant proposal, a co-authored paper, or developing a new collaborative project. Proposals for creative endeavors mixing scholarly and artistic practice are also welcome. Applications should highlight the benefits of cross-disciplinary collaboration and what each partner brings to the project that one alone would not.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all tenure-line SLA faculty, in any discipline or area.

AWARD AMOUNT: Selected recipients will receive a stipend of $500 to help defray costs associated with a one-week residency and will incur no residency-based fees. Stipends can be used at selected recipients’ discretion, but are intended to help cover costs of transportation (including car rental, if needed), groceries, childcare, and other miscellaneous expenses. A Studio in the Woods provides room, utilities and workspace. Residents are expected to prepare their own meals in designated kitchen space.

Submission guidelines are below, and more details on the experience can be found on A Studio in the Woods website.

Testimonials from previous Liberal Arts faculty residents:

“I have been an academic writer for twenty years and the ASITW residency may be the best single thing that has ever happened for me. I did not know how much I needed the quiet time in the middle of otherwise routine research and writing life. As Tulane faculty, who benefits from all that living in New Orleans offers, I would have never described the city as particularly noisy for a writing mind. But all cities are in the end noisy; and all writing in the end needs at least a little quiet. If I could come and sit in that studio or a space similar at least once a year for the rest of my career I would do it over and over again, so transformative was the benefit.”

– Laura Rosanne Adderley, Associate Professor of History

“I had the most wonderful stay at A Studio in the Woods. It’s only 30 minutes away from the city and yet it feels far, like another dimension. A bubble. A place to disconnect and reconnect, with work, and nature, and life. It’s a magic place to let ideas and words flow. I cannot yet believe in only a week there I managed to finish revisions for an article and start a new book chapter, all feeling happy and refreshed.”

– Amalia Leguizamón, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Latin American Studies

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES – Applications are due by April 2, 2025, and will be evaluated by the SLA Executive Committee at a scheduled meeting. Any questions should be directed to Tara Hamburg (tara@tulane.edu).

Application Process:

Tenure-line faculty must complete and submit this web application form along with one PDF containing additional documentation, as noted below. (For collaborative projects, only one faculty member must submit an application, but ensure to confer on project proposal details well prior to the application due date.)

Also provide one PDF of the proposal, no more than TWO pages in length, that addresses the following:

  • Short project description
  • Scope of work for your time in residence
  • How a week at A Studio in the Woods will benefit your professional goals and/or career trajectory at this time
  • Preferences for scheduling your week at A Studio in the Woods. (Please note that recipients of this award will need to coordinate their travel plans with A Studio in the Woods and will need to be flexible as to dates of their residence. Not all days are available or can be accommodated. We will select alternates in case mutually convenient dates cannot be found.)
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.