The Tulane University Georges Lurcy Affiliated Fellow at the American Academy in Rome Application

Description: As a member institution of the American Academy in Rome (AAR), Tulane University is allowed to appoint an Affiliated Fellow to spend four weeks in residence at the Academy during the upcoming academic year.  The selected Affiliated Fellow will receive housing (single room with private bath), meals on the same plan as Rome Prize Fellows, the opportunity to sign up for Academy trips and tours, invitations to Academy events, and access to Academy scholarly resources including the Library, Photographic Archive, and the Archaeological Study Collection.

The AAR supports innovative artists, writers, and scholars living together in a dynamic international community.  While the Academy typically focuses on arts and humanities, applications from all areas of the liberal arts will be considered.  To learn more about the AAR, see their website:

As Lurcy Grants support scholarship by tenure-track/tenured faculty of the School of Liberal Arts, this application was created to support the Affiliated Fellow’s residency (room and board, plus other expenses noted below**) at the AAR while the Fellow is working on a scholarly project. Hence, the selected Fellow will be named, “The Tulane University Georges Lurcy Affiliated Fellow at the American Academy in Rome.”

A project report for the grant’s support is due by the end of the fall semester following the completion of the AAR residency. (Send such reports to and Any questions should be directed to Tara Hamburg.

Application Deadline: April 1

Application Process:

Applications will be evaluated by the Executive Committee.

Individuals must complete and submit this web application form along with one PDF containing additional documentation, as noted below:


Also, provide one PDF document to include the following:

  1. A proposal reflecting:
    • A 2 - 4 page description of your project to be carried out while in residence at the Academy, stating clearly why a four-week residency at the Academy will be beneficial to your project and the significance of your scholarly project; state aims/goals during the residency and intended outcomes of your scholarly project.
    • Your top three preferred residency dates. Note the following:
      • The Academy's academic year for 2025-26 residencies currently is planned to start Monday, September 8, 2025, and end July 3, 2026. Applicable 4-week residency arrival dates will be: Sept. 8; Oct. 6; Nov. 3; Dec. 1; Jan. 7; Jan. 26; Feb. 23; Mar. 23; Apr. 20; May 18; June 8. (Note that any preferred session is mutually agreed upon with the selected fellow and the AAR, and subject to availability. Preference will be given to applicants who are scheduled to be on sabbatical/leave during the fall or spring semester in upcoming academic year.)
      • All residencies must begin on Mondays and end on Fridays (check-out day), unless otherwise indicated based upon the above arrival dates.
      • **The Lurcy Fellowship provides room and board. Other expenses typically have been the applicant’s responsibility. However, as of 2023-24, other expenses incurred during the AAR residency period will be eligible for reimbursement, including the fellow's round-trip airfare and ground/other travel; M&IE (or partial per diem) not already covered by the AAR; and minor research expenses (library or archival access fees, copies, etc.), outside of the AAR's included accesses and amenities. The total reimbursement amount normally will not exceed $3,650. Please note that ground/other travel (except for transit to/from airports or similar) and research expenses must relate to performing scholarly research as an SLA faculty member.**
      • Due to space limitations, the Academy is unable to house partners or family members of Affiliated Fellows.
      • The Academy will contact the fellow to confirm residency dates. Typically this happens in late July.
      • For questions or advice about the American Academy, contact Associate Professor Susann Lusnia in the Department of Classical Studies.
  2. A current CV.
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