Center for Scholars (CFS) Fund Application

Description: In order to enhance the intellectual climate on campus, the Center for Scholars provides funds to support a lecture given by a non-Tulanian scholar. The lecture should attract a broad audience beyond a single class or department/program.

Applications to other funding sources are expected, not for faculty to rely exclusively or largely upon Center for Scholars support. Applications cannot be made to both the Center for Scholars and the New Orleans Center for the Gulf South.

CFS Deadlines–Applications will be accepted as follows for lectures that will occur in the same or next academic semester following the application deadline. While early applications are encouraged, applicants must have most details in hand and provide by the following application deadlines:

  • September 1 (ideal for October-November and the following Spring semester lectures)
  • November 2 (ideal for the following Spring semester lectures)
  • February 1 (ideal for the following Fall semester lectures)

Application Process:

All applications will be evaluated by the Executive Committee following each application period.

Individuals must complete and submit this web application form along with one PDF containing additional documentation, as noted below:

One per line

Also provide one PDF document to include the following:

  1. A proposal (around 2 pages) reflecting:
    • Lecturer's name and institution or other affiliation and (briefly) his or her qualifications as a scholar. (If more than one speaker is planned, then this must be explained, and documentation/information requested in this application must be provided for each speaker.)
    • Title and thorough description of the talk or presentation, clearly noting its significance and how it will enhance the intellectual climate on campus
    • Any contingencies or notes on the date, time, and venue for the talk (time and location of the lecture should not coincide with the faculty member's class time and classroom, and venue should minimally hold 45 seats)
    • Audience, in terms of approximate number and composition (aim to attract as broad and general an audience as possible, and also note how you plan to attract the audience to attend the talk)
    • A tentative itinerary noting the overall date range of the scholar’s visit and dates when activities occur (also including other activities planned besides the lecture, and generally when–e.g., reception following the lecture, dinner on the night preceding the lecture, classroom visits or workshops on the day of the lecture, etc.), to provide a full picture of the scholar's visit
    • Total amount of funds requested from Center for Scholars
    • Other funding sources to which you have applied (as this is expected), along with amounts requested or awarded and the purpose of those funds.
    • A clear, itemized budget of requested funds from Center for Scholars, relevant to the funding rates as noted on Box.  Generally, awards will range from $500 to around $2000, depending on number of applications and available funds. Additional support for increased honorarium and other items should be sought from other sources.  
  2. Note of support from the department chair (or program director) that the department (or program) will host the event or scholar's visit
  3. Short c.v. or thorough biography/description of individual speaker's qualifications

Any questions should be directed to Tara Hamburg (

One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.