Lurcy Grant Application

Description: Lurcy Grants support research by tenure-line faculty of the School of Liberal Arts. They can be used to help support individual faculty travel to research collections or to help pay for the costs of purchasing essential materials for faculty research. Lurcy Grants are only given out once a year. A proposal should describe how a faculty member will use the requested funds and explain the grant’s contribution to the faculty member’s larger scholarly goals.

The grants should be used by one year after the grant has been awarded; the applicable period is from the month of June following the award notification through May in the year following. If an extension is needed, a request should be sent to the Executive Committee explaining the reasons for the continuation of the funds. A progress report on the grant is due by the end of the fall semester following the completion of the grant. (Send such requests and reports to and copy to Tara Hamburg,

Please note: In ordinary circumstances, a Lurcy Grant will not be awarded to faculty receiving our Faculty Research Award in the same academic year.

Application Deadline:

March 1

Application Process:

Applications will be evaluated by the Executive Committee.

Individuals must complete and submit this web application form along with one PDF containing additional documentation, as noted below:

One per line
One per line
One per line

Also provide one PDF document to include the following:

  1. A proposal reflecting:
    • A 2 - 4 page description of the project, also explaining the travel dates and timeframe of funds usage, the anticipated work within specific locations, and the expected project outcomes. In addition to the proposal including and explaining a clear budget and purpose of the requested Lurcy funds, also explain other sources of funding to which you have applied, along with amounts requested or awarded and the purpose of those funds. Explain how your request for Lurcy funds will support completion of your work if within a larger, overall budget. Lurcy Grants cannot fund the work of undergraduate or graduate assistants.
    • An itemized budget that provides an explanation for the need for each line item in the budget. Total budget requests should be in the range of $2000-$3000, although larger requests might be considered if properly justified and funds are available.
  2. IRB approval documentation (or IRB notice that approval is not required); OR in the 2 - 4 page proposal, indicate the dates of IRB application (if applicable) and expected IRB decision notice; or indicate if no IRB approval is necessary for the nature of your project.
  3. A short CV (2 to 3 pages maximum).
  4. For all Lurcy grants previously received for any project, include progress reports.

Any questions should be directed to Tara Hamburg (

One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.
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