Professors of Practice Professional Development Fund 

The SLA Dean’s Office will provide up to $1,000 to Professors of Practice in support of a broad array of professional development activities including presenting at conferences, participating in workshops, engaging in pedagogical training, or supporting research activities. Applicants may receive only one award per calendar year. 


Applications will be accepted three times per year:

  • September 15 for activities during the fall semester (September through December – NOTE This deadline will change to July 1 in 2025)
  • October 1 for activities in the spring semester (January through April)
  • March 1 for activities in summer (May through August)

Applications will not be accepted or approved once the project or travel has begun or been completed.

Application Process

Individuals should complete web application form that includes the following:

  1. The impact of the activity on their pedagogy, scholarly or creative work.
  2. A clear budget that includes airfare, hotel stay, registration, per diem, or other research related expenses. For foreign rates, see the U.S. Department of State website; For national rates, please consult the U.S. General Services Administration website.
  3. A C.V.

Applications and attachments should be submitted using the online webform no later than the due date. 
Awards will be announced approximately two to three weeks after proposals are due. 
Any questions regarding the SLA PoP Professional Development Fund can be directed to Katharine Jack (

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Please upload a 2-page CV, your Notice to Present if applicable. Make into a single PDF ONLY.
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