The Department of Classical Studies allows students to design major and minor programs of study with broad exposure or more focused concentration in the fields of language and literature, art and archaeology, and ancient history.
Declare a Classical Studies Major or Minor! Contact our director for meeting and bring a filled out Major/Minor Declaration Form to start your journey in Classics.
Director of Undergraduate Studies: Prof. Sara Panteri | email
Requirements for Majors and Minors
Classical Studies (CLAS): 30* credits (10* courses) in CLAS, GREK, and/or LATN
- Three of these courses must be at the 4000 level.
Latin (LATN): 30* credits (10* courses) in CLAS, GREK, and/or LATN
- including at least 5 LATN courses (total)
- of which 2 LATN courses must be at the 4000-level
Greek (GREK): 30* credits (10* courses) in CLAS, GREK, and/or LATN
- including at least 5 GREK courses (total)
- of which 2 GREK courses must be at the 4000-level
*Double Major Discount: Only 27 credits (9 courses) are required for students with more than one major.
Classical Studies (CLAS): 15 credits (5 courses) in CLAS, GREK, and/or LATN
- One of these courses must be at the 4000 level.
Latin (LATN): 15 credits (5 courses) in LATN, GREK, and/or CLAS
- including at least 3 LATN courses at or above the 3000 level
- of which 1 LATN course must be at the 4000 level
Greek (GREK): 15 credits (5 courses) in GREK, LATN, and/or CLAS
- including at least 3 GREK courses at or above the 3000 level
- of which 1 GREK course must be at the 4000 level
Language Requirement: Greek or Latin courses may be used to satisfy the Newcomb-Tulane College foreign language requirement. However, any courses used to satisfy the language requirement cannot also be counted toward the major or minor.
Please note: LATN-2030 is only offered in the Fall semesters.
Tulane’s Language Learning Center has language-specific instructions for placement testing, information about and registration for proficiency testing, links to presentation recordings, and more.
Students interested in teaching can earn certification in Latin through the Teacher Preparation and Certification Program.
Students interested in pursuing graduate study in Classics should consult with their departmental adviser about the undergraduate preparation needed for graduate school.